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Some say the signs being displayed everywhere in England were an exaggeration even a Myth.........It was always someone claimed to have seen one


Not saying non existed


Islam is a threat to the Irish also just wait till theres enough over there and the rapes and sexual assaults start

Your entire sad life must revolve round islam rapes and sexual assaults sort of beggars the question?
Some threads on a forum doesn't represent my life actually......I dont live amongst them so i have a happy life


I do feel sorry for my fellow country men and women who do have to live amongst them....their the ones who lives revolve around rape and fear of their children being abused by muslim men




Tell me why are Muslims are hated by millions of people in the civilised world

Why are your type hated by more than one and a half billion around the world?
Maybe because they hate anything that doesn't sit within their ideology


We know they cant handle any criticism of their religion.... They've shown that on several occasions



Why do so many non Muslims hate Muslims

You will find that most people of other faiths dont hate Muslims, Its usually those of low intellect or no faith that tend to be Racists, Bigots , war mongers communists the list is endless. Criticism has to be constructive and based on fact unlike the garbage you and your compadres churn out constantly.
There have also been a lot of victims too, i know muslims are over represented when it comes to crime where i am from and many other places like rotherham. Do you blame these victims intellect or lack of faith for negative feelings to muslims?
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Who says we've accepted you ? Get out ! And take that black fella and his dog with you !!

You could put me down for going against IS and I would rally 10,000 more hope that answers your question most Muslims hate IS

But you would agree anyone living in this country with these radical views should be thrown out.? And anyone outside this country with the sane views should not be allowed in?







Some say the signs being displayed everywhere in England were an exaggeration even a Myth.........It was always someone claimed to have seen one


Not saying non existed


Islam is a threat to the Irish also just wait till theres enough over there and the rapes and sexual assaults start

Your entire sad life must revolve round islam rapes and sexual assaults sort of beggars the question?
Some threads on a forum doesn't represent my life actually......I dont live amongst them so i have a happy life


I do feel sorry for my fellow country men and women who do have to live amongst them....their the ones who lives revolve around rape and fear of their children being abused by muslim men




Tell me why are Muslims are hated by millions of people in the civilised world

Why are your type hated by more than one and a half billion around the world?
Maybe because they hate anything that doesn't sit within their ideology


We know they cant handle any criticism of their religion.... They've shown that on several occasions



Why do so many non Muslims hate Muslims

You will find that most people of other faiths dont hate Muslims, Its usually those of low intellect or no faith that tend to be Racists, Bigots , war mongers communists the list is endless. Criticism has to be constructive and based on fact unlike the garbage you and your compadres churn out constantly.
There have also been a lot of victims too, i know muslims are over represented when it comes to crime where i am from and many other places like rotherham. Do you blame these victims intellect or lack of faith for negative feelings to muslims?


Whose blaming victims? I dont try to justify crime or bigotry unlike yourself who use any method to try to stir up hatred.be it religious or any other kind.

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Some say the signs being displayed everywhere in England were an exaggeration even a Myth.........It was always someone claimed to have seen one


Not saying non existed


Islam is a threat to the Irish also just wait till theres enough over there and the rapes and sexual assaults start

Your entire sad life must revolve round islam rapes and sexual assaults sort of beggars the question?
Some threads on a forum doesn't represent my life actually......I dont live amongst them so i have a happy life


I do feel sorry for my fellow country men and women who do have to live amongst them....their the ones who lives revolve around rape and fear of their children being abused by muslim men




Tell me why are Muslims are hated by millions of people in the civilised world

Why are your type hated by more than one and a half billion around the world?
Maybe because they hate anything that doesn't sit within their ideology


We know they cant handle any criticism of their religion.... They've shown that on several occasions



Why do so many non Muslims hate Muslims

You will find that most people of other faiths dont hate Muslims, Its usually those of low intellect or no faith that tend to be Racists, Bigots , war mongers communists the list is endless. Criticism has to be constructive and based on fact unlike the garbage you and your compadres churn out constantly.
There have also been a lot of victims too, i know muslims are over represented when it comes to crime where i am from and many other places like rotherham. Do you blame these victims intellect or lack of faith for negative feelings to muslims?

Whose blaming victims? I dont try to justify crime or bigotry unlike yourself who use any method to try to stir up hatred.be it religious or any other kind.
My goal is to stir up hatred? By any method? WTF??? I love everybody and especially life itself. I cant help the filth i have witnessed and the patterns i have seen around the world and through history and I call it as i see it. IMO islam should be kept separate from non Islamic cultures or one side will eventually be crushed. I am not muslim and never will be so the best and most peaceful solution i see is separation. Hardly hate inspired is it. I see your manipulitive ways for what they are and I don't blame you for it, i just know your mob loses out in the end and I see no other result as a possibility but there is definitely no hatred from me. Atvb.
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Some say the signs being displayed everywhere in England were an exaggeration even a Myth.........It was always someone claimed to have seen one


Not saying non existed


Islam is a threat to the Irish also just wait till theres enough over there and the rapes and sexual assaults start

Your entire sad life must revolve round islam rapes and sexual assaults sort of beggars the question?
Some threads on a forum doesn't represent my life actually......I dont live amongst them so i have a happy life


I do feel sorry for my fellow country men and women who do have to live amongst them....their the ones who lives revolve around rape and fear of their children being abused by muslim men




Tell me why are Muslims are hated by millions of people in the civilised world

Why are your type hated by more than one and a half billion around the world?
Maybe because they hate anything that doesn't sit within their ideology


We know they cant handle any criticism of their religion.... They've shown that on several occasions



Why do so many non Muslims hate Muslims

You will find that most people of other faiths dont hate Muslims, Its usually those of low intellect or no faith that tend to be Racists, Bigots , war mongers communists the list is endless. Criticism has to be constructive and based on fact unlike the garbage you and your compadres churn out constantly.
There have also been a lot of victims too, i know muslims are over represented when it comes to crime where i am from and many other places like rotherham. Do you blame these victims intellect or lack of faith for negative feelings to muslims?

Whose blaming victims? I dont try to justify crime or bigotry unlike yourself who use any method to try to stir up hatred.be it religious or any other kind.
My goal is to stir up hatred? By any method? WTF??? I love everybody and especially life itself. I cant help the filth i have witnessed and the patterns i have seen around the world and through history and I call it as i see it. IMO islam should be kept separate from non Islamic cultures or one side will eventually be crushed. I am not muslim and never will be so the best and most peaceful solution i see is separation. Hardly hate inspired is it. I see your manipulitive ways for what they are and I don't blame you for it, i just know your mob loses out in the end and I see no other result as a possibility but there is definitely no hatred from me. Atvb.


LOL if you say so.

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