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Cruiate Ligament Damage

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My 18 month old pup just done both cruciate ligaments. The vet said he can do surgery but he is a working dog and might not run properly again. So I said the other option is pts. Has anyone gone through with the surgery and it's worked out fine????

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My dog did it start of the season I rested him for 6 month made no diffrence the dog can still run but that's mainly down to him a very high kill drive I took him out end of this season he had 7 rabbits and 2 big ones but the dog was lame for weeks after every time I ran him. so I think that's the end for him now luckily the Mrs loves him and kept him as a pet

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Yeah mate my pals dog did same and vet told him keep in house now over the arthristis in the colder months.. Hes only young too not going to have much quality of life. But i could be wrong atb with what ever you choose. Wont be easy. My pup snapped his leg in two last year could of been fixed but same scenario i had him pts and still miss the mental f****r today

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How did he manage to do both matey? That's f***ing unheard of? Very unlucky is that,chin up bud,straight back on the horse so to speak,don't think about quitting even when times like this test you..right back into the swing of things,trust me it's the right thing to do fella..all the best

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Both cruciate ligaments not a bright future lad do your dog right, he is a running /working dog pts is the most sensible option would he settle to being a pet and would you like to look at him everyday thinking what may of been. Get another pup and start again its part of the hunting game.ATB

Edited by desertbred
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He went a clatter over a gate wooden gate just up the road from mine, which he's jumped hundreds of times and started limping. So I took him to see Ian hunter he gave him loxicom and said just lead walk. Which I did. I kept him away from the other dogs but I took them all out for a wonder on Sunday down the river and a rabbit bolted. He is a big powerful dog and he clocked the fcuker! He started pulling his back leg went. So noise out of him just held his leg up. So been back to the vets yesterday for a x-ray.

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Both cruciate ligaments not a bright future lad do your dog right, he is a running /working dog pts is the most sensible option would he settle to being a pet and would you like to look at him everyday thinking what may of been. Get another pup and start again its part of the hunting game.ATB


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