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Hello everyone,

I'm Karla and I'm from Derbyshire. I have 5 working ferrets and a EU polecat who I haven't worked yet but I hope to at some point, 3 of my working ferrets are albino, 1 jill and 2 hobs. The other 2 working ferrets, a silver jill and a chocolate jill haven't got as much experience as my albinos but do well and so far haven't killed underground.

My first experience with a ferret underground was when I was 9 years old with my first ferret, a polecat/sable jill called Florence. We were on a rabbit infested golf course that wanted clearing which I didn't know it needed clearing at the time and Florence decided to go down a rabbit hole while off leash on a walk (I take my ferrets for walks quite often), after about 1/2 hour, she came back out with fur on her claws and bit of blood around her muzzle. I was confused by this so I thought that I would ask my grandad about it and that's how I learn about ferreting and that winter, he took me with him when he went ferreting and I've been going since then.


When I wanted to go ferreting in January this year, most of my purse nets had mysteriously disappeared so I could only go ferreting at small warrens so I want to get some more before this November but I'm unsure whether to get nylon ones or not as I've not used nylon nets before.

I would like to know your opinions on using nylon nets and can someone tell me how I can set my profile picture as I can't seem to figure it out?

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Welcome aboard mate.


Good intro and, nice animals :thumbs:


When using the full site, not the mobile version, there is an icon in the top right corner to access your profile - that's where you can change your profile picture.



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