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Referendum Aftermath

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We only heard the result yesterday morning. Is it just me or are you sick to the back teeth of it already?


The "remains" need to get used to the idea that the people have spoken.


Some of the "leaves" sound nearly as bad tbh, speculating about house prices, exchange rates, immigration etc. They almost sound like the remains did on the run up to the referendum with their ridiculous scare stories.


The fact is no-one knows how it will play out. I think it might actually be an anti-climax, but whatever happens, we will get through it as Brits have always done and always will.


We are one step nearer being free from the EU. We should celebrate this historic event, not wring our hands.



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Walshie, it's because the younger generation have been turned into zombies and haven't hardly done a days graft, but especially don't know how to fend for themselves, my own granny was angry this morn

Chris Martin just needs to accept that the UK and the EU have consciously uncoupled. :

my issue is with the cowardly media they had there media block on french riots and any troubles with the run up to the ref and now because it was a leave vote all they can do is talk everything down a

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Walshie, it's because the younger generation have been turned into zombies and haven't hardly done a days graft, but especially don't know how to fend for themselves, my own granny was angry this morning over hearing the young stay voters complaining about will they still be able to go on holidays etc etc, she said out loud, it's about time the younger generation got off their lazy asses and stopped sitting in school til their 23 and got a job as they did from the age of 14, and if they actually worked instead of getting hand outs they'd be proud and appreciate what they have, I just laughed and agreed

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We all wonder, but what is there to discuss if we don't know?


We can discuss the effect it's having on the markets and sterling, we can discuss statements put out by the EU, the government and other heads of state and of course we can all discuss how we think things are going to pan out.

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What about them cocks Coldplay need to give their heads a shake, putting statements up about it's not what the people want??? Be best for them to go back under the rock from where they crawled and keeping making vids of animals singing n dancing another vegey who thinks they're Bono fs

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My issue is everyone basing their opinions on things that have happened in the however many hours since the result. Everything's going to be unstable for a while, but ultimately we're still in the EU and Cameron is still our PM. The only thing that has changed is the EU's stance now we aren't going to be their cash cow much longer.


Any concerns I may or may not have are far outweighed by the elation.

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I think a lot of youngsters see a meme on Facebook and they treat it like a death in the immediate family, social media can make or break some things but thankfully lots were still putting the world to rights from behind the keyboard rather than actively "changing the world"


Sorry guys clicking "I'm voting" doesn't constitute a vote.

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What about them cocks Coldplay need to give their heads a shake, putting statements up about it's not what the people want??? Be best for them to go back under the rock from where they crawled and keeping making vids of animals singing n dancing another vegey who thinks they're Bono fs

never liked them melts

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I think it's a major shock to 'remain' as much as anyone, they didn't expect to win......I don't even think it was Boris Johnson's main agenda?


It would be helpful to have a united government championing the cause & making clear plans, but it's far from that.

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