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We Won The Battle.......

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....but the war may not be over yet !


An online petition, demanding a re-run of the EU referendum, has gained over a million signatories.


It claims that the winning margin was not wide enough, or the turn out high enough, for the result to be valid.


Only 100,000 'signatures' are needed for a parliamentary discussion to be considered.





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Bet every signature is a mix of students and Lefty types that are either in cloud cuckoo land or have no real experience of life and are to weak and feeble to be free, they need the system to be told

Surely the Referendum was singular in or out and the majority won, isnt that democracy? If only 3 people vote and two vote out then thats the majority. There should be no other Referendum in Either E

There IS a precedent, though - Sturgeon said their referendum was "once in a lifetime", and now look !   The remaining EU are meeting to draw their battle lines against us, while our lame duck PM si

Sour grapes,we voted out democratically,end of story,some pakistani think tank idiot this morning on TV said well all you turkeys who voted out have just voted for christmas,he has no alleigance to this country,he wouldnt understand.

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Bet every signature is a mix of students and Lefty types that are either in cloud cuckoo land or have no real experience of life and are to weak and feeble to be free, they need the system to be told what to do. Its theese types that gave our country away in the first place.

Let coybyn and his types go and f**k them self's.

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Surely the Referendum was singular in or out and the majority won, isnt that democracy? If only 3 people vote and two vote out then thats the majority. There should be no other Referendum in Either England Scotland or N/Ireland..t To keep voting until a decision favours a minority isnt Democracy is it ?

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There won't be a second referendum. I hope there is but there won't be.


If a second referendum is proposed it will galvanise the true British even more, especially since everyone noticed the sky didn't fall in. We may even get a riot out of it if they did!!!! Bring it on!!!

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There IS a precedent, though - Sturgeon said their referendum was "once in a lifetime", and now look !


The remaining EU are meeting to draw their battle lines against us, while our lame duck PM sits on his hands saying he is "not the right person to lead an exit", and that his successor should envoke article 50.


I say "get on with it Dave - like it or not, your the PM. Do your job !"

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It could go on forever, although I believe we'd still get another out vote. Anyone asking for another referendum is asking this country to throw democracy out of the window.


I'd have hated it if the remains had won, but they didn't. If they had, I would just gulp and accept I was outvoted.


The only saving grace in this is half the government want out too. If they were all remain mongs, it might be different.


So to all the people who voted remain - Tough luck losers. :feck:

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They've also got a petition to make London a independent entity.........ScotLond. LOL

Couldn't Make it up lol

If they want to be part of the EU, immigration and all that goes with that much why don't they just move to Europe, become a migrant and experience true multiculturalism first hand.

Probley to stupid and scared of change to work it out for them self's without the system telling them.

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Remember cameron saying theyd be one vote and one vote only

That was because he was certain hed win lol

But now he's lost, he's dragging his feet. Trying to muddy the waters for Boris, I reckon but I've just got a tiny nagging doubt that says he's playing for time......

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