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The 'leaves' Have It

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I voted out exactly the same gnash immigration because i dont need polish plumbers,brickies or whatever,i dont need polskie sklepie shops on the high street as soon as theres a unit available,i dont need an eastern european in front of me in the doctors queue and whats the point of poles who cant even speak english living and working here,get some language lessons or at least try to integrate,a million poles here,it was a soft subversive invasion with manipulated figures,we are out,manipulate that.

You might not need them but a lot of our industries do which makes you err...... need them....

Ok if we need them....2 year working visa then go home and re apply.

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I'm sorry you did not get your own way in the EU referendum, don't blame the people who voted to leave! Blame the 28% of eligible voters who did not bother to turn up Blame the 232 people who left t

Of course your entitled to your opinion ,and you obviously think the British electorate have made a mistake ,but now the decision has been made ,why would you "wave fondly " as Britain sinks beneath t

least we made our own bed

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We're better of without scaremongerers like you,please stay of our island for good please

No need to be a scaremonger. The FTSE has already bombed, and the pound is currently circling the toilet bowl. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Such happenings will always come with a crash ,but in the end its business as usual .
Saying all this withinn the first 24 hours??

Of course people panic and move there money about or the value of the pound drops,it's the start of something new or relatively unknown for the best part of 30 odd years.it will recover and people will invest in british industry and business, fact.

Now run along with the rest of the cowards in your adopted country.


Is this aimed at me ? than i think you jumped the gun to early fella .i never condemned the decision of the british people to seperate from the union , i was just commenting on the previous poster .

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I voted out not for the immigration but because I wanted OUR country back. I heard on the news this morning some expats moaning that they cannot now have their cake and eat it. They are moaning that they will have to pay medical insurance, as the free health care will stop, the cost of sending their kids to university is going to cost them more. Fecking tough I say, you chose to live abroad now live with the decision.


The people of this country have spoken and will be more vocal in the future. Lets hope the political parties take note as we are fed up of being dictated too by people who feel they do not have any accountability.



I disagree, the working immigrants in the UK are contributing to our nation. Why the fcuk should they be punished??

Obviously our own people should be given first dibs on jobs but we all know how lazy a lot of Brits are when it comes to work.

My best friend is Hungarian - been here 10 years, worked from day 1, paid his taxes, never claimed a penny back and has done well for himself. Why should he be penalised in any way ? That is the kind of ethic we should be trying to instill in our youngsters !
why will he be punished, your just making stupid leftie statements, England is an island of migrants, only difference now is the ones hiding in our country because they have raped, robbed and murdered in there own country can now be A. Stopped from coming here B. be removed if and when caught, I doubt your Hungarian mate is over the moon when he see,s some of the shite coming here to hide from there crimes elsewhere in Europe, all that's happened is democracy has defeated dictatorship, is that so bad ??
How dare you call me a leftie !!

You're new here, so you obviously aren't familiar with myself, and many others, whose views are very well known, and not "leftie" by even the longest stretch of the imagination !

Don't be to hard on the poor child, he'll soon learn especially when he sees your collection of previous avatars. Lol.

Everyone on benefits whether nationals and immigrants on benefits should be working should it be helping out with vulnerable people, assisting in schools, cutting grass verges or picking up litter/dog shite.

Let our money ie tax pounds converted into benefits work for us.

AND turn some of the benefits into food vouchers that have to be spent at shops which can also be manned by people on benefits.

Sure there will be justified cases but how many are swinging the led, most of them.

If people don't like it, Fcuk them off.

And do more for veterans, they can be left homeless while families of islamic terrorists can claim tens of thousands in benefits is absolutely disgusting.

. His avatar is what makes his comments even more stupid and regarding poor child, i already have one foot in the grave, and am old enough to have lost many family members last time Germany decided they wanted to dictate what happened in Europe, so forgive me if I feel a little bit passionately about this but it's slightly more important to me than what you, your mate and your mates Hungarian mate think of me, and on that note I will bow out as I feel an attack of the keyboard warriors coming on, good day
There's nothing wrong with feeling passionate, you can't be faulted there but coming on here calling somebody's comments stupid, labelling him a leftie and saying talking shite is not going to endear you to many. Ok it is only a forum on the net but no need to start getting up people's backs.

As for losing people to the Second World War my honest condolences.

And I for one am not a keyboard warrior nor is Blackbriar. I don't insult or threaten and if I don't agree with something I don't agree, I don't get upset or hot under the collar over it.

I respect your views and opinions greyman but blackbriar is no leftie


BGD is the only leftie , he don't get far when he drives his car left left and left again an hes back home

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It has been averaging around €1.26 over the last year. It is now €1.23. That is less than 3% and only caused by the money market's predictable reaction to any uncertainty. If you'd been offered €1.23 three years ago you would have snatched their hands off. If you'd have been offered €1.10 in 2011 you'd have done really well.




<Edit> I'm a lefty and don't mind admitting it. By lefty I mean a socialist, not a communist. Communism is a brilliant idea for ants and bees. But when you take into account human emotions such as greed, envy, suspicion, etc. it doesn't work. I grew up in a mining village where people had nowt but everything they needed. The government took care of the workers and the workers took care of the government. Sadly true socialism is dead. Everyone is out for themselves and the safeguards put in place to help those who could not work have been exploited by those who don't want to work. I am realistic enough to realise that socialism is dead for the time being. But I am still a socialist at heart.

Edited by Nicepix
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It has been averaging around €1.26 over the last year. It is now €1.23. That is less than 3% and only caused by the money market's predictable reaction to any uncertainty. If you'd been offered €1.23 three years ago you would have snatched their hands off. If you'd have been offered €1.10 in 2011 you'd have done really well.




pound against the dollar has declined in the last 20 years , its no fault of brexit

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It has been averaging around €1.26 over the last year. It is now €1.23. That is less than 3% and only caused by the money market's predictable reaction to any uncertainty. If you'd been offered €1.23 three years ago you would have snatched their hands off. If you'd have been offered €1.10 in 2011 you'd have done really well.




pound against the dollar has declined in the last 20 years , its no fault of brexit



Yes, the true determination is about the Pound against the Euro. That is what it is all about. But that doesn't satisfy the sensationalistic press who would have used the Azerbaijani New Manat as their example if the Pound had lost ground against it.

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It has been averaging around €1.26 over the last year. It is now €1.23. That is less than 3% and only caused by the money market's predictable reaction to any uncertainty. If you'd been offered €1.23 three years ago you would have snatched their hands off. If you'd have been offered €1.10 in 2011 you'd have done really well.




pound against the dollar has declined in the last 20 years , its no fault of brexit



Yes, the true determination is about the Pound against the Euro. That is what it is all about. But that doesn't satisfy the sensationalistic press who would have used the Azerbaijani New Manat as their example if the Pound had lost ground against it.


house prices will fall for sure , but we all know there grossly inflated anyway ,, its no big deal they should have fallen years back but was propped up , the circle of boom n bust will always continue brexit or not

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It has been averaging around 1.26 over the last year. It is now 1.23. That is less than 3% and only caused by the money market's predictable reaction to any uncertainty. If you'd been offered 1.23 three years ago you would have snatched their hands off. If you'd have been offered 1.10 in 2011 you'd have done really well.



pound against the dollar has declined in the last 20 years , its no fault of brexit



Markets and currencies fluctuate, that's in the nature of capitalism. But fallen markets will recover, they always do. Crashes, like the one following the result, are the result of panic among traders, who completely over - reacted......in a short time, they will realise that the world hasn't stopped spinning, and the markets will recover - if Scameron ever gets his finger out, stops whinging and does his job !


If he's not going to steady the ship, he needs to f*** off - sharpish !!

Edited by Blackbriar
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Any immigration / migration into Great Britain should be checked and vetted.

No Criminal Record Whatsoever

TB checked and having to be clear

HIV / Aids checked and having to be clear

Pass a English Speaking Listening and Written test.

Medical Cover

A job to come to or a spouse to support you

No recourse to ANY public funds whatsoever

Or ie housing ' Dole ' sick ' child benefit ect ect till you have paid in full time at least 3 years 5 prefebaly .

And a visa fee at every stage till you have

ILR then another fee to get British Citizenship where you must swear Allegience to Queen and Country

NO illegal immigration whatsoever

If ILLegal when picked up deported within days

No costly long drawn out legal proceedings.

so any genuine person intent on improving their lives will not object or have anything to hide
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Any immigration / migration into Great Britain should be checked and vetted.

No Criminal Record Whatsoever

TB checked and having to be clear

HIV / Aids checked and having to be clear

Pass a English Speaking Listening and Written test.

Medical Cover

A job to come to or a spouse to support you

No recourse to ANY public funds whatsoever

Or ie housing ' Dole ' sick ' child benefit ect ect till you have paid in full time at least 3 years 5 prefebaly .


And a visa fee at every stage till you have

ILR then another fee to get British Citizenship where you must swear Allegience to Queen and Country


NO illegal immigration whatsoever


If ILLegal when picked up deported within days

No costly long drawn out legal proceedings.

i had to do a lot of this coming over here max, full medical, blood tests hiv,aids,hepatitis c, x-rays, urine samples, blood pressure, physical in the way of height, weight ratio, how long had we been together, where we meet, when did i meet my wifes parents, when did my wife meet my parents, photos of when we met, photos of us going through the years, how long had we been married, photos of the wedding, because we got married in Mauritius, they contacted the authorities there for conformation of marriage, who came to our wedding...supply names and addresses, police checks, passports, marriage cert, birth cert, pics of us with mums and dads, brothers sisters, maiden names, divorce papers, you have to support yourself for three years, have my own medical insurance, professions....there are more requirements that we had to do, but i can't remember all, but it was a lot, and rightly so as they didn't know me from adam really, i think if anyone applies to come here now from the uk, it's a two year wait, and for aisians it's three years or more,

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