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Eu Counting Under Way.

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Firstly.....mon ya beauty. Secondly can I just congratulate the vast majority of English and Welsh for having the balls to make this happen. It's not often I'm embarrassed to be Scottish but there re

In my 50 odd years I've never felt so proud to be British, there's gonna be hard times ahead but we will come out a stronger better richer prouder country... Thanks to everyone in the country who vote

I'm frankly flabbergasted by almost every reporter, remain fan and pro EU politician to grasp the fact that it is absolutely possible for a sovereign nation state to function on its own and in the int

  On 24/06/2016 at 07:58, Jamie m said:


  On 24/06/2016 at 07:29, kanny said:


Oh well see ya dave ....whos next for the big job then ?

Didn't you know that's what it was all about all along , as soon as boris quit as mayor , all been conned , lol
I don't think anyone with open eyes was conned we all knew the game Boris was playing on that side of things ..personally I have no problem with it .that's politics
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  On 24/06/2016 at 08:09, green lurchers said:

the dutch will be next and the best of luck to them

I certinly wouldent mind us having a special relationship with the Dutch lol

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Firstly.....mon ya beauty.

Secondly can I just congratulate the vast majority of English and Welsh for having the balls to make this happen. It's not often I'm embarrassed to be Scottish but there really is an element of fannies up here who are scared shitless to change things.

Onwards and upwards!!

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  On 24/06/2016 at 08:11, Lab said:

Firstly.....mon ya beauty.

Secondly can I just congratulate the vast majority of English and Welsh for having the balls to make this happen. It's not often I'm embarrassed to be Scottish but there really is an element of fannies up here who are scared shitless to change things.

Onwards and upwards!!

I'm out of likes but fair play
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Jeremy Kyle will be out of a job soon lol , if there all forced to go back to work ? . Picking crops , wiping old peoples arses , washing dishes, working seven days a week 12 hours a day , they can just about make it to the job centre to scratch on lol ,

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  On 24/06/2016 at 08:11, Lab said:

Firstly.....mon ya beauty.

Secondly can I just congratulate the vast majority of English and Welsh for having the balls to make this happen. It's not often I'm embarrassed to be Scottish but there really is an element of fannies up here who are scared shitless to change things.

Onwards and upwards!!

LOADS of English people voted to stay aswell lab, and over a million scots voted to leave eu so why talk like that when you got the result you were after mate?

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So what will happen to e.u grants for farmers ???

There f****d enough as it is , price of four pints was 85p in asda the other week , paving the way for torie super farms guys , the countryside will be out of bounds then lol , except for hill farms because you can't ponse about on your arse in a tractor up there so the big wigs aren't interested lol ,

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