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Finally A Member: Variation Posted:

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After 6 months as a probationary, I'm finally a full member of my local shooting club ;-) Now I can apply for a section 1 shotgun! Fully stocked up on ammo and a variation in (see you in 6 months! :bye:). Applying for a section 1 12g shotgun, another .22lr, .223, .243 and .308 Asking for all on open ticket, hoping for the shotgun and .223 at least :whistling:

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I don't quite understand your post. Do you intend to use them for vermin/fox control? I can't see how you'd get an "open" ticket on C/F if they are just conditioned for range shooting at your club, and it appears in your post you are a member of a gun club. Or am i missing previous info?

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I can see some issue with overlap of the calibres eg. how can you justify .243 for fox if you have applied for .223? Surely that says .223 would do, otherwise why would you apply for it? If you intend .243 for deer, equally how do you justify .308 if you're applying for .243 which is deer legal for all species? The only real justification could be range, but even then, I think it would be difficult to justify all you've applied for as an initial block application due to the overlaps and it might just looks as if you're fishing for calibres.


Personally, I'd have chosen the ones you really want, ie 1 rf, 1 cF fox and 1 cf deer or 1 cf for both fox and deer ie the .243, and then sought to justify them. I'm sure if the FEO had thought any unjustifiable, he'd suggest an amendment.


Anyway, good luck. I hope you get what you want.

Edited by Alsone
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  On 23/06/2016 at 18:48, David Aiken said:

After 6 months as a probationary, I'm finally a full member of my local shooting club ;-) Now I can apply for a section 1 shotgun! Fully stocked up on ammo and a variation in (see you in 6 months! :bye:). Applying for a section 1 12g shotgun, another .22lr, .223, .243 and .308 Asking for all on open ticket, hoping for the shotgun and .223 at least :whistling:


As mentioned by someone earlier, what have I missed, what has your probation period in a club got to do with a S1 shotgun and Open request? :hmm::thumbs:

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  On 24/06/2016 at 18:09, Deker said:


  On 23/06/2016 at 18:48, David Aiken said:

After 6 months as a probationary, I'm finally a full member of my local shooting club ;-) Now I can apply for a section 1 shotgun! Fully stocked up on ammo and a variation in (see you in 6 months! :bye:). Applying for a section 1 12g shotgun, another .22lr, .223, .243 and .308 Asking for all on open ticket, hoping for the shotgun and .223 at least :whistling:


As mentioned by someone earlier, what have I missed, what has your probation period in a club got to do with a S1 shotgun and Open request? :hmm::thumbs:

The section 1 for vermin was okay, but for practical they wonted membership of a club that shoots practical shotgun.

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Don't take this the wrong way - but personally, unless there are extenuating circumstances, I don't think that 6 months on a range with a .22 and a shotgun should qualify as appropriate experience for a open centre fire license.

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I see that you have .17 and .22 on open ticket, so this will strengthen your case, although it is doubtful (not impossible) that you will be granted open conditions on your first CF grant, irrespective of calibre, it would help your case if you could provide a letter from an experienced CF user whom you shoot with, who would be prepared to state that you are safe in his/her opinion, have a good knowledge of backstops,and all crucial safety issues, good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

The section 1 shotgun and the .223 were also hopefully meant to be for vermin as well as target/deer, unsure about open until I`ve spoken to my FEO. Vermin was when I provided appropriate land, so not open at the moment (sig amended until sorted) My variation included land for this purpose (I've now got the adjacent land alongside the original permission) Looks like due to FEO holiday the permission form was overlooked and therefore conditioned for vermin was overlooked? Hopefully it will be sorted soon

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  On 06/08/2016 at 12:37, walshie said:

Is your S1 shotgun for target only or target and vermin? And do you need your land cleared for 223 if it's open as per your signature?


Rung FEO, the section 1 was an error and will be for vermin control as well as target. He agreed to .223 being on a open ticket as long as the land check is okay. I was thinking at 30 acres it might be a bit lean, so a quick call to the farmer who rents the land. Low and behold, he owns the adjacent farm (130 acres) and said I can shoot there. Meeting him today with FAC and insurance

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