WILF 47,983 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Exactly the same really lads, I said to the Mrs that I was really nervous even though it won't directly affect me any more !......mad or what? On this forum and as hunting lads we have been at the coal face of lies, propaganda and loss of freedom for years so to us it's a natural thing to say "f**k you" to the big government and liberal elites but for your ordinary rat getting on a tube train every morning and living off the credit card it's a very different story......them poor fuckers can never see beyond next months repayment and the 2 hour trip to lakeside for a bit of temporary happiness. They will be voting in like lambs to the slaughter. 5 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
s.e.s.k.u 1,893 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Out.. And everyone I've spoken to gas voted out also.. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BlackStreak 498 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Jesus Christ America is socialist now FFS These words just lose all meaning when you use them like this. Yes we are on the fast track to socialism and have already strapped ourselves in. Have you seen what choices we have left for our next president. It ain't in good! After yalls vote, pay attention to the US I've been reading what's been happening on your side of the pond with Right Wing News and a couple of other sites. If you're white and you believe in the constitution, hunt, keep guns and a Christian you're vilified more and more it seems. Please correct me if you're wrong. You are not wrong. We lost the best conservative judge on the supreme Court not long ago. He past away. Very doubtful his seat is filled with someone of such character or who rules in favor of the Constitution the way he did. With him gone the balance in the supreme court will shift to that of the progressive left and socialism. Laws will be made from the bench instead of enforced from the bench. With the Attorney General being part of this progressive left, the executive branch (president) and the judicial branch (courts) being progressive and continuely making unlawful laws that favor progressive and socialist values instead of keeping to the Constitution and the checks and balances put in place by our founding fathers there is no righting the wrongs or walking this stuff back. It only gets worse. Though we can vote good senators and congressmen into office, rarely do any keep true to the reasons they ran for office. With the executive and judicial branch making law now and being so rogue coupled with the attorney general and the DOJ leadership, the good people left in government can't walk anything back or hold anybody accountable for the curruption. The government has been putting tons of weapons in the hands of the drug cartels as in such example as "fast and furious" and another before that. They do this to escalate gun violence and killings so that they can create excuses and play on the fears of people in order to strip us of our guns and our 2nd amendment. Our 2nd amendment is what insures all the others. They force law officers to let the illegal clearly muslim men go, to vanish into this country if they are apprehend after crossing the boarder illegally. They are rewriting history and teaching it to our children in school. This is done because history repeats itself if you don't know the history. If you don't know history the masses fall for the same things again and believe the same lies. The dominate news sources will not bring this to the publics attention. Actually most higher ups in the major news media are in bed with big government. Literally as in married to them or kin. It has been a slow indoctrination that's really just become part of American culture and just accepted. Some have been ringing the bell for years trying to get us to wake up but we have looked upon them as whack jobs and extremist and conspiracy theoriest. They have been pulling God out of the schools, our military, our elected public offices, our police departments and so on and so on. They have been stripping us of our lands. The federal government is not allowed by law to own land except for the 10 miles Washington DC sets on, yet they now have millions upon millions of acers and are confiscating more every week. Some armed militias have arose to stop the confiscation of private land the way our Constitution allows us to do but the news media just labels them domestic terrorists and extremists. Very few Americans are of such valor that they will stand up for or God given rights and civil liberties and try to protect the American way of life and what our father's before fought for and died for. We as a people have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated and have let this get so far out of controle it's crazy and really demoralizing. Very few of our pastors and ministers will speak of such things and out against the government who is methodically waging war against Christians. Some pastors are and it's great. Those few pastors like John Hagee and a few conservative radio hosts like Mark Lavin and Glen Beck are standing and making us aware of these atrocities. Teaching history, being lead by and inspired by God to bring us to our senses and wake us up. Once awake it is shameful and embarrassing at how blind and brainwashed we are and just how far we have strayed from the brave men that carved out this nation and created it and give us these rights which we knew yesterday but are loosing today. Those Patriots still left are demonized and vilified. I truely believe we are waking up though. I think we will be brought to our knees, at least this nation will be brought to its knees. It's changing so fast there is no denying it now. After yall vote today, keep an eye on America and the rights that are being stripped from the people. Watch as God is further stripped from this nation and more and more appeasement given to those who are illegals of the muslim faith with sympathy towards the califate. Watch as the government suspends our Constitution. Watch as we put images of other gods up on the impire state building and ask for their protection, oh wait we already did that. Watch as our dollar becomes worthless, watch as government uses civil unrest and mass shootings to implement more rules and regulations on us for our supposed own protection all while they stripping of our rights to protect ourselves. Watch as the federal government takes more of our land away from private citizens. The next mile marker will probably be assassinations of public officials and outspoken individuals who are standing for the rights we are supposed to still have. Many many lawsuits have been brought against the federal government by states and organizations but watch as they go no where. Watch our presidential election debacle that's about to take place. Men can now go to the bathroom with our wives and daughters. Watch as out government turns it's back on Isreal. Oh we already did that two and give Iran nuclear capability who is sworn enemy of Isreal. So so sad. Watch America, it's changing and doing it fast. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kanny 20,975 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 That's it 10 o'clock we can do no more ....good luck leave 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,983 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Blackstreak your story is all too familiar to me and thousands like me mate, this is what I have been saying about this referendum......these governments are all working to the same agenda and it's not good for freedom Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Brewman 1,192 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Jesus Christ America is socialist now FFS These words just lose all meaning when you use them like this. Yes we are on the fast track to socialism and have already strapped ourselves in. Have you seen what choices we have left for our next president. It ain't in good! After yalls vote, pay attention to the US I've been reading what's been happening on your side of the pond with Right Wing News and a couple of other sites. If you're white and you believe in the constitution, hunt, keep guns and a Christian you're vilified more and more it seems. Please correct me if you're wrong. You are not wrong. We lost the best conservative judge on the supreme Court not long ago. He past away. Very doubtful his seat is filled with someone of such character or who rules in favor of the Constitution the way he did. With him gone the balance in the supreme court will shift to that of the progressive left and socialism. Laws will be made from the bench instead of enforced from the bench. With the Attorney General being part of this progressive left, the executive branch (president) and the judicial branch (courts) being progressive and continuely making unlawful laws that favor progressive and socialist values instead of keeping to the Constitution and the checks and balances put in place by our founding fathers there is no righting the wrongs or walking this stuff back. It only gets worse. Though we can vote good senators and congressmen into office, rarely do any keep true to the reasons they ran for office. With the executive and judicial branch making law now and being so rogue coupled with the attorney general and the DOJ leadership, the good people left in government can't walk anything back or hold anybody accountable for the curruption. The government has been putting tons of weapons in the hands of the drug cartels as in such example as "fast and furious" and another before that. They do this to escalate gun violence and killings so that they can create excuses and play on the fears of people in order to strip us of our guns and our 2nd amendment. Our 2nd amendment is what insures all the others. They force law officers to let the illegal clearly muslim men go, to vanish into this country if they are apprehend after crossing the boarder illegally. They are rewriting history and teaching it to our children in school. This is done because history repeats itself if you don't know the history. If you don't know history the masses fall for the same things again and believe the same lies. The dominate news sources will not bring this to the publics attention. Actually most higher ups in the major news media are in bed with big government. Literally as in married to them or kin. It has been a slow indoctrination that's really just become part of American culture and just accepted. Some have been ringing the bell for years trying to get us to wake up but we have looked upon them as whack jobs and extremist and conspiracy theoriest. They have been pulling God out of the schools, our military, our elected public offices, our police departments and so on and so on. They have been stripping us of our lands. The federal government is not allowed by law to own land except for the 10 miles Washington DC sets on, yet they now have millions upon millions of acers and are confiscating more every week. Some armed militias have arose to stop the confiscation of private land the way our Constitution allows us to do but the news media just labels them domestic terrorists and extremists. Very few Americans are of such valor that they will stand up for or God given rights and civil liberties and try to protect the American way of life and what our father's before fought for and died for. We as a people have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated and have let this get so far out of controle it's crazy and really demoralizing. Very few of our pastors and ministers will speak of such things and out against the government who is methodically waging war against Christians. Some pastors are and it's great. Those few pastors like John Hagee and a few conservative radio hosts like Mark Lavin and Glen Beck are standing and making us aware of these atrocities. Teaching history, being lead by and inspired by God to bring us to our senses and wake us up. Once awake it is shameful and embarrassing at how blind and brainwashed we are and just how far we have strayed from the brave men that carved out this nation and created it and give us these rights which we knew yesterday but are loosing today. Those Patriots still left are demonized and vilified. I truely believe we are waking up though. I think we will be brought to our knees, at least this nation will be brought to its knees. It's changing so fast there is no denying it now. After yall vote today, keep an eye on America and the rights that are being stripped from the people. Watch as God is further stripped from this nation and more and more appeasement given to those who are illegals of the muslim faith with sympathy towards the califate. Watch as the government suspends our Constitution. Watch as we put images of other gods up on the impire state building and ask for their protection, oh wait we already did that. Watch as our dollar becomes worthless, watch as government uses civil unrest and mass shootings to implement more rules and regulations on us for our supposed own protection all while they stripping of our rights to protect ourselves. Watch as the federal government takes more of our land away from private citizens. The next mile marker will probably be assassinations of public officials and outspoken individuals who are standing for the rights we are supposed to still have. Many many lawsuits have been brought against the federal government by states and organizations but watch as they go no where. Watch our presidential election debacle that's about to take place. Men can now go to the bathroom with our wives and daughters. Watch as out government turns it's back on Isreal. Oh we already did that two and give Iran nuclear capability who is sworn enemy of Isreal. So so sad. Watch America, it's changing and doing it fast. I hear you brother, I've been reading all about it. I bet Obama was gloating over that judge's he didn't even go to his funeral. His name was Scolani or something like that.I've been reading the transgender laws which are sickening to say the least. And they want to give citizenship to illegals and take your guns. Obama said that federal vetting doesn't work on gun owners but then says later don't worry about refugees and illegal immigrants they're been put through federal checks. Obama and Clinton are the worst things for your national security. That Benghazi incident is a total disgrace. I fear for as I think America is going through a severe and detrimental transformation. I feel for you. Well I'm going to watch the rest of the The Hunted with Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio Del Toro. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Lenmcharristar 9,927 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Same in the US. We have a rogue socialist government who is stripping us of our Constitution and our liberties in many many different ways. From medicines to capitalism to illegally taking our privately owned lands, to printing $ without anything to back it up, to allowing a flood of illegals to enter the US then giving them rights and funding them with our tax dollars, we are loosing g our freedom of speach, they are trying to take our guns because our guns are ment to protect us from such a rogue government which is purposefully said in our 2nd amendment. The govenerment is purposefully and intentionally replacing God with itself. It is now recognizing the muslim god instead of the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We are a Christian nation and hold a covenant with the Lord. You don't break a covenant with the Lord without dearly paying for it. There are many many more things wrong here and what's soooo disheartening is the only choice we have in our upcoming election is evil or evil. We have pushed this big bolder up the mountain so far that we have reached the top and have pushed it over the other side. Even if we get someone in office that won't further the current agenda, the bolder is still rolling down hill and picking up speed as it goes. I'm afraid the only way to stop it is a revolution. We are very close to an American Revolution. I'm sure that comes as a shock but it's no joke. Yalls vote if it's out will probably wind up collapsing our $ and our stock market both which are being artificially held up by lies and deception. When the collapse of the dollar happens it will start a pretty big chain of events here. This country needs to be cleansed of the corruption and evil that controls it and our Heavenly Father be reinstated as this country's guiding light and our Constitution reinstated. That fight is just around the corner and could quite possible be triggered by yalls vote. The longer it's held off the worse it will be. I'm not calling g for a revolution by no means, I just for see it happening and happening shockingly soon. I pray it doesn't come to that but I truely think God will cleans this nation because we can't do it ourselves now and it's gotten soooo corrupt and out of controle and had replaced God with itself. well mate May GOD BLESS YOU ALL IN USA, and wave his hand against the people defaming him. Fcuk them all 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
baz 464 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 How many people have spoken to anyone staying in? me personally only know of one person, if hearsay is anything yo go by it should be a land side in favour "out".., yet seems close apparently... So who are all these "stayers"??? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Brewman 1,192 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Don't forget we associate with like minded people so it's not surprising that we don't know that many who haven't remain. But if you were certain areas they'll be mainly remain voters. 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BlackStreak 498 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Blackstreak your story is all too familiar to me and thousands like me mate, this is what I have been saying about this referendum......these governments are all working to the same agenda and it's not good for freedom WILL you are very correct the way I have come to know it. Our governments are connected. Most country's are dependent upon others. We are so interwoven with trade, policies, stock markets, businesses, government alienates and agreements and agendas that if one of us collapses, we will all feel it hard if not be sunk along with the country that fell first. I wish yall well and though it may be difficult no matter which way the vote goes, the good old boys still left in the US will be praying for you, pulling for you, and watching with admiration till its our turn 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Brewman 1,192 Posted June 23, 2016 Report Share Posted June 23, 2016 Are you pulling a night shift Black Streak, must be about 0530 hrs where you are lol.? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Blackbriar 8,569 Posted June 24, 2016 Report Share Posted June 24, 2016 Apparently, the crack the great unwashed Cock-er-neys not wanting to get wet was true !! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,983 Posted June 24, 2016 Report Share Posted June 24, 2016 Essex is doing its bit 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BlackStreak 498 Posted June 24, 2016 Report Share Posted June 24, 2016 Are you pulling a night shift Black Streak, must be about 0530 hrs where you are lol.? Nah, is was 5:30 when I posted that alright but 5:30 pm. Or 17:30 either or. Are you pulling a night shift Black Streak, must be about 0530 hrs where you are lol.? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Brewman 1,192 Posted June 24, 2016 Report Share Posted June 24, 2016 Are you pulling a night shift Black Streak, must be about 0530 hrs where you are lol.? Nah, is was 5:30 when I posted that alright but 5:30 pm. Or 17:30 either or. Are you pulling a night shift Black Streak, must be about 0530 hrs where you are lol.? I forgot that time zone wise we're ahead of you. What aplank Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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