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How Will You Vote, In Or Out.

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I wish you boys well. I hope yall vote out. The ramifications that follow will be less in the short run than it would be if yall stayed in and went down with the rest of the fleet of sinking ship

I think the politicians have succeeded in one thing, they have got everyone talking about economics.......for me it has never been about economics, it's always been about freedom and democracy.

Exactly the same really lads, I said to the Mrs that I was really nervous even though it won't directly affect me any more !......mad or what? On this forum and as hunting lads we have been at the co

Me and misses just voted OUT

And after talking to most of my extended family at a BBQ a couple weeks ago they are all voting out that's about another 16 out votes

I've only spoke to one person voting in in the last few months

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I wish you boys well. I hope yall vote out. The ramifications that follow will be less in the short run than it would be if yall stayed in and went down with the rest of the fleet of sinking ships. If yall vote out, I believe it will have an impact through the world and will be felt and have a big impact here in a negative way in the stock market and our dollar.

Texas already had its first vote in history to succeed from the United States recently do to basically the same reason yall are voting out. We didn't have enough votes but it was still a historic vote and I'm proud some folks in government are fighting for our freedoms, our sovereignty, and our God given rights

Something extremely big is about to happen in the US. Yall have center stage right now but it's scene that's about to play out here as well. I wish yall all the best!

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  On 23/06/2016 at 16:20, BGD said:


  On 23/06/2016 at 16:09, Brewman said:


Not classic socialism but socialist in the sense that some countries are being stripped of their sovereignty/powers which are being taken over by the eu. The fact that the eu is redistributing businesses from countries such as the UK and assisting in starting them in countries not so wealthy. They are doing this by accommodating said companies with low interest loans.

Last year or the year before a rail company in England needed new trains, another English company said they could make them. The eu said not that's protectionism so the business went to a company in Germany. Whenever the UK does well like last year or the year before the eu took a percentage of that.


Is neoliberalism more of a much criticised policy/ideology than a well thought out and proven economic system?

Those anti-protectionist pro-competition rules are one of the most unsocialist things about the EU pal, it makes it almost impossible for states to nationalise industry one of the key pillars of socialism. Every state in the Western world have some hard fought for semi-socialist policies (welfare etc) to keep the masses pacified but you can't call them a socialist state unless their economic policy is guided by socialist philosophy.


Neoliberalism works great at what it's intended to do, transfering wealth from the bottom to the top.

You're obviously more clued up on economics than me but aren't 2 of the main points of neoliberalism are deregulation and free trade.

After what appears to be the main push behind the referendum (immigrants) those 2 points seem to be what people find stifling and undemocratic about the EU ie all the red tape and bureaucratic guff that businesses have to deal with which increases year on year and less FTAs than we could possibly get outside the EU.

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  On 23/06/2016 at 16:49, Brewman said:


  On 23/06/2016 at 16:20, BGD said:


  On 23/06/2016 at 16:09, Brewman said:

Not classic socialism but socialist in the sense that some countries are being stripped of their sovereignty/powers which are being taken over by the eu. The fact that the eu is redistributing businesses from countries such as the UK and assisting in starting them in countries not so wealthy. They are doing this by accommodating said companies with low interest loans.

Last year or the year before a rail company in England needed new trains, another English company said they could make them. The eu said not that's protectionism so the business went to a company in Germany. Whenever the UK does well like last year or the year before the eu took a percentage of that.


Is neoliberalism more of a much criticised policy/ideology than a well thought out and proven economic system?

Those anti-protectionist pro-competition rules are one of the most unsocialist things about the EU pal, it makes it almost impossible for states to nationalise industry one of the key pillars of socialism. Every state in the Western world have some hard fought for semi-socialist policies (welfare etc) to keep the masses pacified but you can't call them a socialist state unless their economic policy is guided by socialist philosophy.


Neoliberalism works great at what it's intended to do, transfering wealth from the bottom to the top.

You're obviously more clued up on economics than me but aren't 2 of the main points of neoliberalism are deregulation and free trade.

After what appears to be the main push behind the referendum (immigrants) those 2 points seem to be what people find stifling and undemocratic about the EU ie all the red tape and bureaucratic guff that businesses have to deal with which increases year on year and less FTAs than we could possibly get outside the EU.



There's always going to be a bit of regulation and red tape in a large economy like the EU and obviously that along with the few crumbs thrown to the working classes (workers rights, welfare state etc) rub the "pure" neo-liberals the wrong way just like the how the neo-liberal elements to the EU's economic policy rub lefties the wrong way.


I wonder why folk from across the political spectrum hate the EU :hmm::laugh:

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  On 23/06/2016 at 17:03, BGD said:


  On 23/06/2016 at 16:49, Brewman said:


  On 23/06/2016 at 16:20, BGD said:


  On 23/06/2016 at 16:09, Brewman said:

Not classic socialism but socialist in the sense that some countries are being stripped of their sovereignty/powers which are being taken over by the eu. The fact that the eu is redistributing businesses from countries such as the UK and assisting in starting them in countries not so wealthy. They are doing this by accommodating said companies with low interest loans.

Last year or the year before a rail company in England needed new trains, another English company said they could make them. The eu said not that's protectionism so the business went to a company in Germany. Whenever the UK does well like last year or the year before the eu took a percentage of that.

Is neoliberalism more of a much criticised policy/ideology than a well thought out and proven economic system?


Those anti-protectionist pro-competition rules are one of the most unsocialist things about the EU pal, it makes it almost impossible for states to nationalise industry one of the key pillars of socialism. Every state in the Western world have some hard fought for semi-socialist policies (welfare etc) to keep the masses pacified but you can't call them a socialist state unless their economic policy is guided by socialist philosophy.


Neoliberalism works great at what it's intended to do, transfering wealth from the bottom to the top.

You're obviously more clued up on economics than me but aren't 2 of the main points of neoliberalism are deregulation and free trade.

After what appears to be the main push behind the referendum (immigrants) those 2 points seem to be what people find stifling and undemocratic about the EU ie all the red tape and bureaucratic guff that businesses have to deal with which increases year on year and less FTAs than we could possibly get outside the EU.

There's always going to be a bit of regulation and red tape in a large economy like the EU and obviously that along with the few crumbs thrown to the working classes (workers rights, welfare state etc) rub the "pure" neo-liberals the wrong way just like the how the neo-liberal elements to the EU's economic policy rub lefties the wrong way.


I wonder why folk from across the political spectrum hate the EU :hmm::laugh:

I think when you try to roll out blanket regulations and bureaucracy across dozens of nations that have totally different economies and cultures especially when turkey and more eastern bloc countries join its bound to falter in the long term.

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  On 23/06/2016 at 17:18, maxhardcore said:

The EU is just a big big cash cow for the self elected Elite


We far to over taxed as it is to pay for their vulgar lifestyles.


Hopefully this is the beginning of the end to all that.


The North is massively out


I fear the south being more populated will let us down.

I am from down south and every body i know are voting OUT apart from one

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Same in the US. We have a rogue socialist government who is stripping us of our Constitution and our liberties in many many different ways.

From medicines to capitalism to illegally taking our privately owned lands, to printing $ without anything to back it up, to allowing a flood of illegals to enter the US then giving them rights and funding them with our tax dollars, we are loosing g our freedom of speach, they are trying to take our guns because our guns are ment to protect us from such a rogue government which is purposefully said in our 2nd amendment. The govenerment is purposefully and intentionally replacing God with itself. It is now recognizing the muslim god instead of the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We are a Christian nation and hold a covenant with the Lord. You don't break a covenant with the Lord without dearly paying for it. There are many many more things wrong here and what's soooo disheartening is the only choice we have in our upcoming election is evil or evil.

We have pushed this big bolder up the mountain so far that we have reached the top and have pushed it over the other side. Even if we get someone in office that won't further the current agenda, the bolder is still rolling down hill and picking up speed as it goes. I'm afraid the only way to stop it is a revolution. We are very close to an American Revolution. I'm sure that comes as a shock but it's no joke. Yalls vote if it's out will probably wind up collapsing our $ and our stock market both which are being artificially held up by lies and deception. When the collapse of the dollar happens it will start a pretty big chain of events here. This country needs to be cleansed of the corruption and evil that controls it and our Heavenly Father be reinstated as this country's guiding light and our Constitution reinstated. That fight is just around the corner and could quite possible be triggered by yalls vote. The longer it's held off the worse it will be.

I'm not calling g for a revolution by no means, I just for see it happening and happening shockingly soon. I pray it doesn't come to that but I truely think God will cleans this nation because we can't do it ourselves now and it's gotten soooo corrupt and out of controle and had replaced God with itself.

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  On 23/06/2016 at 17:29, BlackStreak said:

Same in the US. We have a rogue socialist government who is stripping us of our Constitution and our liberties in many many different ways.

From medicines to capitalism to illegally taking our privately owned lands, to printing $ without anything to back it up, to allowing a flood of illegals to enter the US then giving them rights and funding them with our tax dollars, we are loosing g our freedom of speach, they are trying to take our guns because our guns are ment to protect us from such a rogue government which is purposefully said in our 2nd amendment. The govenerment is purposefully and intentionally replacing God with itself. It is now recognizing the muslim god instead of the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We are a Christian nation and hold a covenant with the Lord. You don't break a covenant with the Lord without dearly paying for it. There are many many more things wrong here and what's soooo disheartening is the only choice we have in our upcoming election is evil or evil.

We have pushed this big bolder up the mountain so far that we have reached the top and have pushed it over the other side. Even if we get someone in office that won't further the current agenda, the bolder is still rolling down hill and picking up speed as it goes. I'm afraid the only way to stop it is a revolution. We are very close to an American Revolution. I'm sure that comes as a shock but it's no joke. Yalls vote if it's out will probably wind up collapsing our $ and our stock market both which are being artificially held up by lies and deception. When the collapse of the dollar happens it will start a pretty big chain of events here. This country needs to be cleansed of the corruption and evil that controls it and our Heavenly Father be reinstated as this country's guiding light and our Constitution reinstated. That fight is just around the corner and could quite possible be triggered by yalls vote. The longer it's held off the worse it will be.

I'm not calling g for a revolution by no means, I just for see it happening and happening shockingly soon. I pray it doesn't come to that but I truely think God will cleans this nation because we can't do it ourselves now and it's gotten soooo corrupt and out of controle and had replaced God with itself.

Amen to that brother.

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  On 23/06/2016 at 17:22, villaman said:


  On 23/06/2016 at 17:18, maxhardcore said:

The EU is just a big big cash cow for the self elected Elite

We far to over taxed as it is to pay for their vulgar lifestyles.

Hopefully this is the beginning of the end to all that.

The North is massively out

I fear the south being more populated will let us down.


I am from down south and every body i know are voting OUT apart from one

Also down the southern end , I only know 2 people who are not voting out ...
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