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Anthony Joshua V Dominic Breazeale

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If AJ had got him out of there early he'd have got ripped apart, he got a good workout and won.....Job done.   AJ seems to be fighting a losing battle at times, 17 fights all ko's and a World Champ

He boxed under the name the beast from the east (end) .... He had 126 professional fights and managed to finish 2 of them which is a testament to his courage .....   Go on the beast .........  

I never did like them same day weigh ins !

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Do you really think eddie will take Joshua straight from Breazeal to Wilder??...i think he will put him in with someone like that cheat Malik Scott by the end of the year...and then he will have to fight his mandatory Parker early 2017...should be a decent fight Joshua-v-Parker...if Breazeal took Joshua 7 i can see Parker taking him the distance...maybe forcing a stoppage late rounds

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Its hard to come on here and discuss Joshua without the A.J fan club getting all upset...you gotta laugh...some sound like Joshua's the only boxer they've ever followd the way they carry on!...Seriously surprised it took Joshua 7 rounds to get Breazeal out of there...but in true A.J fanclub fashion Breazeal is now some credible super tough world contender (just like how Whyte suddenly became world class after he rocked A.J)...for those that think Breazeal is a world class operator just check out his fight with the 1/2ft shorter 43yr old Amir Mansour back in january...he was ranked 15th by the IBF and pretty much nowhere by anyone else...all this damned if he do damned if he dont talk the fanclub spout when their boy knocks over some bum...just sounds like some are easy pleased and have been watching the sport for 5 minutes!...Joshua says its all about levels...then he needs to step up...he wont fight Parker til next year now...he will need a better work out than Breazeal to prepare before then...if it takes him 7 rounds to take him out...then i'd fancy Parkers chances even more now

So if AJ beats Parker whether it be his next fight or early 2017 will you and gibber boy give him credit ?

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So like politicians Artic if you not on side they will f**k you sideways eh ?

Yea that's about it basically mate lol but ain't that just life we d enough too know this and laugh about it eh


We all passionate about who we support footy boxing politics dogs whatever it's all about opinions which we all know are like arseholes lol its all just bit banter one thing with you is your passionate mate I don't always agree with you but your passionate and like a bit craic banter, at least you have passion though and opinions and like too argue them out fair play that's what makes the site imho


AKA am no fan boy of AJ or any boxer I have my preferences that's all i enjoyed watching fury rise up wanted him too win title like I do every Brit who laces up n steps up in the ring but it's the other jizz outside the game where he lost my support


I don't really like fast Eddie and concede he does have massive influence far far too much like a wannabe polished don King lmao but boxing had always had these types over the years ain't it crooked as cook and could corrupt mother Theresa lmao


Seriously though if you where a young fighter now you would want onto eddies wagon it's money money money shame on the Ibf wbc wba etc for allowing him too run rough shod over them I hated seeing that title took off Tyson cos yes fair play he did what nobody else did went and took it but shit happens someone always capitalises on others misfortune usually fast eddies sort if history anything too go on


Regarding the quality off opponents most are very questionable imho I've said for a long time there's only a couple in reality worth a whit at that level they should fight whoever next in order


I like the little I've seen of Parker he bought takam who imho better than anyone aj or fury has fought between them bar kiltscho sure take am higher rated across the board mind I could be wrong


I genuinely love my boxing but I'm no expert by a long shot so it's all just opinion

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Dont be jealous mate...everyone admires me...always thought there was a bit of tension/sexual chemistry between you an max on here...all that correspondence all them tears...you should of just slept together when he came down westham...got it over with

Could i ask a favour?...when your in france give one of those filthy french b*****ds a smack in the mouth for me...anyone will do...i hate them frenchies...cheers :thumbs:


Sleep together ?.....Max ?.....are you mad ?


He would go a hundred miles out of his way just to avoid making eye contact with me... Mad Max turns into Pacifist Pete without a keyboard at his fingertips i cant see him getting close enough for a bit of slap and tickle ;)


Anyway whats wrong with the French apart from museums,traffic jams,shit food,no humour,smelly people and yappy ridiculous little dogs everywhere ?

There French that's enough??

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Its hard to come on here and discuss Joshua without the A.J fan club getting all upset...you gotta laugh...some sound like Joshua's the only boxer they've ever followd the way they carry on!...Seriously surprised it took Joshua 7 rounds to get Breazeal out of there...but in true A.J fanclub fashion Breazeal is now some credible super tough world contender (just like how Whyte suddenly became world class after he rocked A.J)...for those that think Breazeal is a world class operator just check out his fight with the 1/2ft shorter 43yr old Amir Mansour back in january...he was ranked 15th by the IBF and pretty much nowhere by anyone else...all this damned if he do damned if he dont talk the fanclub spout when their boy knocks over some bum...just sounds like some are easy pleased and have been watching the sport for 5 minutes!...Joshua says its all about levels...then he needs to step up...he wont fight Parker til next year now...he will need a better work out than Breazeal to prepare before then...if it takes him 7 rounds to take him out...then i'd fancy Parkers chances even more now

So if AJ beats Parker whether it be his next fight or early 2017 will you and gibber boy give him credit ?

Parker might just suprise a few when it happens now fury going too be sidelined wilder fight could come for AJ maybe? I always thought with fury being tied up too rematch AJ n Wilder would be a realistic fight then AJ could of taken a belt he won too the table as well as the lets say tainted Ibf I have a feeling AJ n Fury will never happen real shame real shame I would want AJ too win but would always respect fury and if he won I'd always back him against any other fighter cos I may not like him but he ours lol better in hands of Brit than a yank it must kill the Americans them belts being over here lol


Haye vs Briggs soon lol cannon too win and then engineer a shot at wilder ? AJ vs Parker not sure on that score as yet but head says AJ win tough contest Parker technically sound boxer no hype just action like his style

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Some can't see past their nose ends re this AJ lovein and the Fury hate Campaigne

Fook me good job I'm long sighted :)

I'm surprised with your luck this year you ain't predicted the lottery results and retired pal mi d you still never bagged that Range Rover did ya lol but you right pup worth far more at end of the day? Edited by arcticgun
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Dont be jealous mate...everyone admires me...always thought there was a bit of tension/sexual chemistry between you an max on here...all that correspondence all them tears...you should of just slept together when he came down westham...got it over with

Could i ask a favour?...when your in france give one of those filthy french b*****ds a smack in the mouth for me...anyone will do...i hate them frenchies...cheers :thumbs:


Sleep together ?.....Max ?.....are you mad ?


He would go a hundred miles out of his way just to avoid making eye contact with me... Mad Max turns into Pacifist Pete without a keyboard at his fingertips i cant see him getting close enough for a bit of slap and tickle ;)


Anyway whats wrong with the French apart from museums,traffic jams,shit food,no humour,smelly people and yappy ridiculous little dogs everywhere ?

There French that's enough



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Says Gnash who was sipping Pims from a balcony whilst watching his countrymen taking a beating :(

What's wrong where them Russian boys looking to much up for it and dangerous lol

Them Russian hooligans are a nasty set of lads far harder boys than a few English hooligans of the modern ilk of uk hooligan lol seen a documentary about modern uk footy casuals its was laughable they read too many shit retirement fund books churned out by cass pennant and co and watched too much football factory n green street these ruskies at the euros I'd imagine most of them are ex military/paramilitary gangsters etc having a bit sport in France they likely puss whip the likes of the above badly

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Def worth more than giving it away lol

Them Millionairs all the same wanting something for nothing


That's how they millionaires lol


But FairPlay he still gave me some advice I asked for via PM.

He maybe a millionaire but I think he deffo a dog man first n foremost not as bad a fella as some would have you think lol think a lot of us on here could easily sit in a pub n have good craic with no chew I'd have no choice cos am only nine stone wet thru and not exactly built for violence lmao

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Some good potential match ups in the heavy weight division if they are made ....lets hope some of them happen...I agree Arcticgun I honestly think the Fury/AJ fight will never happen now.... Tysons heart just doesnt seem in the game now and I have my own theory on why ...lets hope by late 2017 there is a undisputed HWCW

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Wilder is the biggest fraud in Heavyweight boxing,and all because the Americans didn't have a Heavyweight world champ.Wilder got a World title shot after knocking out 32 fighters and non of them being ranked in the top 50 !!! even getting the World title shot after beating Jason Gavern in his 32nd fight who had a record at the time of 25 wins/16losses/4 draws (for the record AJ kod Gavern in only his 11th fight) Wilder has had the title from 2015 and never faced a mandatory yet ,having faced only 3 optional Title defefences since winning the title from Bermaine Stiverne in his 33rd fight. Wilder is so flawed as a fighter and has not improved at the rate of say the Furys/Parker/AJ etc due to the fact of the poor opposition he has faced.Wilder has poor footwork and can only generate power from wild swinging shots and has been down and in trouble from some of the limited fighters he has faced some of them not even being full time fighters but also working as teachers, binmen etc.It is only a matter of time before wilders reign is over and I think the Furys and AJ are all capable of beating him and so should be matched up to fight him as soon as possible. I honestly think if Fury can beat Wlad in the rematch that the biggest fight in Heavyweight boxing would be Fury v AJ .

Edited by MickC
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