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Anthony Joshua V Dominic Breazeale

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If AJ had got him out of there early he'd have got ripped apart, he got a good workout and won.....Job done.   AJ seems to be fighting a losing battle at times, 17 fights all ko's and a World Champ

He boxed under the name the beast from the east (end) .... He had 126 professional fights and managed to finish 2 of them which is a testament to his courage .....   Go on the beast .........  

I never did like them same day weigh ins !

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just admit it max you are completeley jealous of gnash and would love to stand up to him but you just do not have the guts to and think spouting shit about him on here makes you look big.my guess is if he really wanted to do you harm he would of done by now i think you just love the attention you a wannabe and the worst kind of keyboard warrior i ever saw stand face to face with the man or stop talking about him

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Astan it started as Craic over football


Some lowered the tone re insults

Then it progressively got worse


It's a forum where people post up their opinions

Some on here seem to think if you have a differing opinion your a Cnut ect ect


As iv said many a time it's a open forum

Every post is there for ever and a day

Anyone can go back thru the footy threads and see which posters started with insults


Then which posters got progressively personal and when they get some back it's all TOLC and violence.


Well that's Embarresing in my book.


This site has went down hill fast from folk been able to disagree on all manner of things with no probs



Look at some of the accusations thrown around lately ( fooking shameful )



The site has went to Pot


And if I was a ex heavyweight pro boxer ' power lifter ' Arm wrestler ect ect I would be embarrassed wanting to meet someone they know they can batter to keep their ego afloat.


He wants to think about what HE is posting if he don't like to hear the same shit directed back .


He had men just like him 20 feet below him two weeks ago and bottled it.


That's the mark of a man who wants it all his own way and thrives on intimidation and bully boy tactics.


If that's what some folk on here look up to fine.



Iv been coming on here years and folk like Gnash ain't going to stop me.


I will come on here as and when I feel and post up on which ever topics I feel.


Maybe even boxing from time to time if that alright.

The thing is max a lot of us have had a life,seen a bit and can see right through a gob shite .... ;)

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thing is i admit am a coward i can not fight and don't want to fight that why i do not provoke heavywwight boxer gangsters and then when they react use the fact they are heavyweight boxer gangster as an excuse to back them away lol lol thinks everybody as stupid as him

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Is it really every single boxing thread that has to turn into the same old bollocks? If I didn't agree with someone to that extent, I'd block them, then everyone else could get in with the subject in hand.

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If I was a coward Katchum I wouldn't be saying my piece with a ex heavyweight pro boxer ' arm wrestler and power lifter. Not to mention gangster as I was PM'd by PeterleeMouth giving it the big one.

Who by the way has my address

What's cowardly about that ?

A coward would keep stum and take the lies



oh my god you really do beleive that as well don't you pmsl you will not look the man in the eye but think you self not s coward because you hit buttons on a keyboard oh my dear god what more is there to say lol lol lol

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