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Anthony Joshua V Dominic Breazeale

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Ive just spent the last few hours watching Parker fights on youtube ...I cant see what all the fuss is about ...he leaves himself wide open when he throws they looping rights and he drops his left shoulder ...and he will struggle with AJ size strength and speed ...what favours Parker is his speed and fast combinations but AJ has that also and AJ seems to do well against the big apponents lets see how he fairs against someone around 6ft ....I cant see it lasting long ....just my opinion

So you've only just now watched enough of Parker to form an opinion!??...you been shouting the odds about Joshua on here for the last year or so...as you clearly not been watching his potential oponents...whats your opinion been based on?!...wishful thinking? or a bit of idontliketysonfurysoimgoingtosupporttheotherguy?...no wonder you fell so head over heels with A.J! :laugh:


Tonights homework...Louis Ortiz... :thumbs:


Once again you mention Fury :hmm:so I will give my opinion on him ....he has spat the dummy because he is not getting the attention that AJ is getting thats why all of a sudden he is saying he hates boxing and he doesnt want to fight its maybe a bit of that or a bit of his bottle has crashed he needs to put more effort into his boxing than he does to that Twitter nonsence ... No I have not Just Parker but found myself sitting in Vietnam with a few hours to spare my opinion is based on I think I have a good knowledge of boxers and boxing in general although the bookies will say differant ....I never fell head over heels with AJ I see him as an up and coming young heavy weight who has good people around him and is going about his business the right way and is an inspiration to any youngsters not just in boxing on how to carry yourself and I just dont get all this negativity that people have for him ....Granted you can say he is over rated thats your opinion and only time will tell but he has been a breathe of fresh air in boxing ....Ortiz is too slow on his feet to trouble AJ ......As I have said before I dont think the Fury AJ fight will happen now not in the near future anyway but when and if it does hopefully Fury doesnt run away like he did against Wlad and he comes to fight.

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If AJ had got him out of there early he'd have got ripped apart, he got a good workout and won.....Job done.   AJ seems to be fighting a losing battle at times, 17 fights all ko's and a World Champ

He boxed under the name the beast from the east (end) .... He had 126 professional fights and managed to finish 2 of them which is a testament to his courage .....   Go on the beast .........  

I never did like them same day weigh ins !

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furys biggest asset size strength endurance durability not his boxing skills he not exactly entertaining foghter too watch seen no big knock outs from him? He is awkward too fight id say but not exactly light footed n elusive lol


I'd wager brazelle threw more punches in his fight with AJ than both fury and kilt managed over 12 rounds bet I'd not be far wrong


AJ doesn't go fallow between fights no long breaks as yet he is very unlikely too lock up with acidosis over 12 rounds and a fighter like fury would not mobilise him enough too, ffs it's easy enough to avoid acidosis in s coursing dog with dog overall conditioning and bits added too diet tomatoes being one

Edited by arcticgun
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Coursing dogs are bred to stay

Try getting a big well muscled greyhound to stay 6 bends

They bred for sprinting

You can't put in what ain't there.


AJ will tire and tye up if pushed over 12

WTF has greyhounds got to do with boxing if you want to make a comparison to dogs a game bred conditioned pit can go for 3 hours

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Coursing dogs are bred to stay

Try getting a big well muscled greyhound to stay 6 bends

They bred for sprinting

You can't put in what ain't there.


AJ will tire and tye up if pushed over 12

both fighters would be tired be 12 fact is one wont throw as much leather as the other if past fights anything to go on, I don't think Tyson been hit by or fought anyone as aggressive as Joshua I think if Fury was to win it would be by a lucky punch, AJ focus is exceptional as his ability to stick to a plan, the mind games wont work as they tend not too at that sort of level, likesay I like Tyson but I just think Aj far better prospect, which to be far he aint a prospect he is a champion with his first defence out the way, think not having a pantomime going on 24/7 will help too

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You must have watched a difrent fight max,,,he's the big black fella that fought on Saturday night...,,,I didn't see josh struggling with staminar In any round....

He struggled and gassed out slightly with Dillan Whyte

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You must have watched a difrent fight max,,,he's the big black fella that fought on Saturday night...,,,I didn't see josh struggling with staminar In any round....

He struggled and gassed out slightly with Dillan Whyte
Yet he carried enough power to knock him the fcuk out, not many power punchers hold their power late. Edited by DogFox123
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Mik sprint greyhounds have faster twitch muscles than even their 6 bend counter parts

The muscles in sprint greyhounds are usually much larger

And being faster twitch they fill up with lactic acid much faster

The comparison is AJ is like a sprint grey

Big muscles that will fill up with lactic acid

He ain't got the stay for a hard 12 round fight

Just like you can't make a sprint greyhound stay 6 bends no matter how you feed and condition them

They are what they are.


Come on son you should know the basics :(

I think your comparison to greyhounds is utter nonsence so lets keep it to the fighters in question so you are saying to me that Tyson Fury has more stamina is fitter and more conditioned than AJ to go a hard 12 rounds ?

and dont undermine me about knowing the basics

Edited by MIK
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Now I know you never watched the fight,,,,I watched it again 1 hour ago,,,,


He was in compleat control from start to finish,,,even aj jab was causing him problems

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You must have watched a difrent fight max,,,he's the big black fella that fought on Saturday night...,,,I didn't see josh struggling with staminar In any round....

He struggled and gassed out slightly with Dillan Whyte
Yet he carried enough power to knock him the fcuk out, not many power punchers hold their power late.


spot on, if he had to go 10-12 rounds , fury, and anybody else will end up on his arse looking at the over head lights deff :yes:

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