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Anthony Joshua V Dominic Breazeale

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I like haye when he was lighter, just my (uneducated) opinion I rate Hayes boxing skills better than any heavy weight about at the min. But he's been that inactive over the last little while that I don't know if he's the same boxer he once was? (just to say when I meet him he really was a true gent and conversion flowed without any bullshit and right down to earth)


I like AJ also I just think he's been rushed and under every spot light out there... Either way British boxing is good at the moment

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If AJ had got him out of there early he'd have got ripped apart, he got a good workout and won.....Job done.   AJ seems to be fighting a losing battle at times, 17 fights all ko's and a World Champ

He boxed under the name the beast from the east (end) .... He had 126 professional fights and managed to finish 2 of them which is a testament to his courage .....   Go on the beast .........  

I never did like them same day weigh ins !

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Folk have heard haye fought at cruiser and assume that's where he belongs. Haye is by no means small he's bigger than derek chisora who has never been questioned as a heavyweight. Just because he's not as big as some of the freaks of today's game doesn't mean he's no heavyweight. As you say bird he can easily punch just as hard as any other heavyweight


You are right in theory but in actual flesh and bone physical body type Chisora is a far bigger man than Haye.......take away the gym and good nourishment and Haye go,s down to a relatively slim frame whereas Chisora stays a thick set bullish type.......Haye has had to force weight on to be the same size Chisora is by nature.

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I told you ages ago I have no interest in you

Or don't you listen ?

But you keep on with your name calling and digs if someone has a differing opinion to you.

It goes all the way back to the Denbigh Rd Craic if the truth be told when you were calling me a liar and all sorts.

Why don't you just speak on here the way you just have via PM?

Don't you want folk to see the real you??


The ex Pro heavyweight boxer throwing his toys out the pram cos someone has a differing opinion to his on certain things ?


Saying come meet me ect ect

Going all TOLC when folk not dancing to your tune.


Like iv told you many a time i will ignore you if you just ignore me


Try be condescending and throwing insults and expect some back


And if your looking to beat up on someone you being a ex heavyweight pro boxer and champion arm wrestler youv two years till the World Cup In Russia

I'm sure there are men over there that will oblige.

I asked you by pm the same thing i asked you on here.....why you wouldnt insult me face to face when you had the chance..........thats right no i dont want people to have to sit reading the same boring shit that is nothing to do with anyone apart from me and you.


I tell you what....having the last word on this forum obviously means the world to you....so you can have it.............but i guarantee like a guarantee Tuesday follows Monday i,ll have the last word in the real world......and the real world is where i live ;).

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Folk have heard haye fought at cruiser and assume that's where he belongs. Haye is by no means small he's bigger than derek chisora who has never been questioned as a heavyweight. Just because he's not as big as some of the freaks of today's game doesn't mean he's no heavyweight. As you say bird he can easily punch just as hard as any other heavyweight

You are right in theory but in actual flesh and bone physical body type Chisora is a far bigger man than Haye.......take away the gym and good nourishment and Haye go,s down to a relatively slim frame whereas Chisora stays a thick set bullish type.......Haye has had to force weight on to be the same size Chisora is by nature.


true but chisora often carries unnecessary weight alot of the time. Just think haye is better suited to heavyweight and could trouble alot of folk instead of wasting his time. Fair play though he's making millions from these nonsense fights but if he's serious it's not the right way to go



Yep fair remarks.....i was only referring to the body types.

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AJ is as stiff,ripped and statuesque as Bruno was.He is probably as easily hit and as limited as well.However he will make more headlines than Bruno because the current crop of heavyweights is woeful.Take Charles Martin for example,when he was tagged by AJ he could easily have gotten up but he waved the white flag immediately.In my opinion he should have had his purse withheld.But that is the standard these days.

Cushty says AJ will fold when he meets an elite heavyweight,but for me there are none these days.I like AJ but let's not kid ourselves,compared to past eras in heavyweight boxing,hes pretty ordinary. i think Haye had more talent than either AJ or Fury. Whether he is still the same fighter after his injury, and whether the domestic fights between Fury AJ and Haye will ever happen is another matter.


It all depends whether your a glass half full or glass half empty type......is Joshua pretty ordinary compared to 2 year pros of previous eras ?......i have to be honest i dont really know yet........and theres nothing wrong with not knowing yet its what sport is about....proving truth.

Edited by gnasher16
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Gnasher, what was your professional name in boxing and your record? Absolutely no ulterior motive in the question. I respect anybody who gets into the ring.


Absolutely no ulterior motive in the answer either......i wouldnt ask a complete stranger on the internet their full name,please dont ask me mine.

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Gnasher, what was your professional name in boxing and your record? Absolutely no ulterior motive in the question. I respect anybody who gets into the ring.

He boxed under the name the beast from the east (end) .... He had 126 professional fights and managed to finish 2 of them which is a testament to his courage .....


Go on the beast .........



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I think one of Hayes problems is that he has had no rhythm in his career this last few years, sporadic fights, no real "3 fights a year" type routine or regimen.

Fights on/off, injuries, personal stuff etc, think I'm trying to say he hasn't lived a boxers lifestyle recently

Just my uneducated opinion. :D


Cheers, D.

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Gnasher, what was your professional name in boxing and your record? Absolutely no ulterior motive in the question. I respect anybody who gets into the ring.

He boxed under the name the beast from the east (end) .... He had 126 professional fights and managed to finish 2 of them which is a testament to his courage .....


Go on the beast .........




I never did like them same day weigh ins !

Edited by gnasher16
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Would rather see Haye fight Breazeale than Briggs. That fight should not be allowed. I just think Haye's to small for these big lads even though he beat a 7ft punch bag.

That would be a good measuring stick for where he's at not old Mr Briggs.

Your not wrong flipbull...what Haye needs to do is fight someone relevant...instead of turning the sport into some sort of circus freakshow...dont know if Briggs had some sort of breakdown in the 4yrs he was out after the beating he took from Vitali or what?...Haye maybe small by todays standards...but he's certainly benched himself an impressive set of tits!...size has never been Hayes problem...just look at the giant he took the title off...if he gets his mind right i think he could cause a lot of Heavyweights out there problems

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Gnash you admittedly like violence

The oppertunity was there

What happened ?

It was only a observation

Don't get all emotional again

I won't .

Max I have after reading your posts over the last 18 months or so come to the conclusion that you are nothing but a keyboard warrior....nobody with half a brain would post even half the shit that you do...and that's a fact.

Get over yourself man you are becoming embarrassing with some of your comments

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Max ,the thing is your argument is on a public forum ,people can't help reading it and forming an opinion so its a bit unfair to describe those who don't agree with you as "joeys and ass lickers "

Personally if I got into a heated argument on here ,then anything I say to someone I am prepared to say it to their face ,whatever the consequences may be ,I would find looking myself in the mirror difficult otherwise .

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Would rather see Haye fight Breazeale than Briggs. That fight should not be allowed. I just think Haye's to small for these big lads even though he beat a 7ft punch bag.

That would be a good measuring stick for where he's at not old Mr Briggs.


do you think haye will win, he seems t have gone bigger of late, but as you say maybe he a blown up cruiser , and a natural heavyweight , but think he still can punch 15-16st easy with affect :thumbs::yes:
No one really knows if Haye is still as good as he was 5 years ago under Booth and until he has been in the ring with someone decent then we will find out
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