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lump under tit of terrier

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Hi,my JRT bitch has had a phantom pregnancy,and,she now has a smallish lump that feels like gristle under one of her tits.I'm guessing it is a mastoid,so,will it sort itself out or do I need to take her to the vet.............martin. :hmm:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: I replied to this an hour ago! What Is going on with this damn Server here???


Martin; To repeat what I basicly said before, mate; It's something or nothing. One of my bitches had a small lump and I read Google till my eyes bled that night. Up shot is that some people feel confident to diagnose what sort of lump it is themselves. Things like it's feel and wether it's attatched or not seem to matter.


Either way, soon as the white coats opened the next day, two minutes and I was back out the door. Twenty quid lighter and grinning from ear to ear.


I hope you're as lucky. But it'll wreck ye head till ye find out and it's not something I was willing to leave to Google.

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It may be a mammary tumour, had a bitch once that had hers operated on, I left hers too long mind, young stupid and willing it to clear up didnt work. Op went fine, but because it had been left to get to the size of a golf ball the tumour could have grown back, it didnt but lesson learned for me! they seem to develop because of hormone changes in the body of bitches, they present less in spayed bitches, so says the vet that is selling the op............. :tongue2:

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