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Walnut Oil

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Hi there

A few things with this. i am a technician for a manufacturer in Germany of oil and lacquers etc for wood and I would hesitate to use something like walnut oil for the reason it has no surface resistance, if you take your gun outside and it gets rained on etc the oil will not last very long. Be careful also to dispose of any rags you use by washing in clean water and laying fkat to dry , vegetable oils etc can self combust.

If you want to have a go at oiling your stock we have a two compnent oil ( uses a hardener) which is vey resistant to weather, scratching etc. We supply this to Rolls Royce cars and other companies for wooden furniture and it is very very nice. Even without the hardener it is a much better quality than Asda walnut oil

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Hi Lewis

It is Hesse-lignal GE11254 plus hardener . If it is not urgent I can pick a small amount up from a dealer and send to you FOC, I wont be at our dealers for a couple of weeks but if you can wait I can send you some . I really wouldnt go the other route as the finish would degrade quickly if it gets any water on it as it has no drying agents within it and would need re doing often which would become a pain.

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