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Nout As Sweet As Revenge

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Right I've got a house mate who's a right smug orrible c**t, she's a proper jobs worth knob who'd drop anyone in it any chance.


On top of that when genuinely in the wrong rather than just apologise she just sticks out sarky answers and acts all smug. Makes me sick.


Any good pranks / revenge plans that won't come back to me ?


Can't have it traced back I'm afraid lol


PS feel free to tell ya best revenge story ??

Edited by Lloyd90
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Just because she wouldn't fcuk you, no need to be so bitter about it mate........move on! Haha.....

A bit of a ridiculous suggestion I know ,but couldn't you just be honest with her ,tell her why she s a kunt and that you'll be glad to see the back of her.. I would save the revenge lark for those t

My advice Walk away knowing you re the better person, revenge is over rated, and never free, probably why you ended up with her in the first place. Remember karma is a bitch, that's not her name is it

Right I've got a house mate who's a right smug orrible c**t, she's a proper jobs worth knob who'd drop anyone in it any chance.

On top of that when genuinely in the wrong rather than just apologise she just sticks out sarky answers and acts all smug. Makes me sick.

Any good pranks / revenge plans that won't come back to me ?

Can't have it traced back I'm afraid lol

stick her mob number up in a few phone boxes ring for a good time
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Fire stuff up for free on Gumtree with her number



Can't wait to move out next month going to have a good list of things by then :)

Leave her a couple of fish under the floorboards as a parting gift ;)

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My advice Walk away knowing you re the better person, revenge is over rated, and never free, probably why you ended up with her in the first place. Remember karma is a bitch, that's not her name is it?? LOL

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My advice Walk away knowing you re the better person, revenge is over rated, and never free, probably why you ended up with her in the first place. Remember karma is a bitch, that's not her name is it?? LOL


yeh, :thumbs: or go up to her with nice bunch of flowers, and say there are for you, and say meeting you as taught me, not all women are bitches,only some are . :D:yes:

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