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Been working my bitch for a good few years now, and in all honesty, the only time i see her shiver is in anticipation of getting out there in the field, ive had some fantastic times with her, and stil

No biters just facts , good and bad in everything , I've kept what people called ' great lines of collie lurchers' and they weren't so great at all , same as whippets , as I said good and bad in every


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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........

so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........


so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......

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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........

so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......


If your dog had more whippet in it, it may have had the brains and agility to go around the stump - just saying Doug grins

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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........


so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......

If your dog had more whippet in it, it may have had the brains and agility to go around the stump - just saying Doug grins

I know mate because whippets are renowned for their intelligence lol ......

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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........

so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......


oh ok that's fine then dog hits tree hours rest runs around playing after , whippet does the same but dies lol I get your drift your dogs work in arctic conditions whippets freeze to death , and so on lol

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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........

so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......



did your dog have a bruise or a cut , I believe if your dog hit a stump at full speed from 30 to a stop it would take on serious injury ?

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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........

so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......

If your dog had more whippet in it, it may have had the brains and agility to go around the stump - just saying Doug grins

I know mate because whippets are renowned for their intelligence lol ......


Look in the field, it’s a bird it’s a plane – NOOO it’s Sock’s super dog. Faster than a mixo rabbit, leaps tall gates with a single bound, bends tree stumps with its bare chest .LOL Sorry mate just cant help myself

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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........

so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......

If your dog had more whippet in it, it may have had the brains and agility to go around the stump - just saying Doug grins

I know mate because whippets are renowned for their intelligence lol ......

Not saying they are intelligant,but out of the sight hounds ,were they not supposed to be one of the smartest ?
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:hmm:Don't think a rabbit catching dog needs super intelligence,..but if you are undertaking rabbit control, for the coin,..over varying terrains and situations,..it helps if the dog is 100% adaptable.....in fact,..this trait is possibly more important, than physical prowess. :yes:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........


so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......

oh ok that's fine then dog hits tree hours rest runs around playing after , whippet does the same but dies lol I get your drift your dogs work in arctic conditions whippets freeze to death , and so on lol

Now your getting it ......

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Cmon trev the dog clips a tree on his second stride that's hardly equal to hitting a tree at full speed is it ........


so now you got dogs that can hit a tree at full speed and their fine with it lol any dog hitting a tree at full speed wont be fine after it whatever breed it is

I didn't say that did I so don't add things that are not there ... The bitch hit a tree stump chest first at full speed and after an hours rest was back at work ... There is a man on this forum that was there and witnessed the whole event ... The collision would have killed a whippet .......

did your dog have a bruise or a cut , I believe if your dog hit a stump at full speed from 30 to a stop it would take on serious injury ?

After lots of investigating and finally going to a specialist it transpired she had a cracked sturnum .......

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What can look like a full impact collision can often be more of a glancing blow as the dog pushes away from the direct line at the last second. A direct contact with a solid object at 30 mph will always leave a mark on living tissue and the sound is sickening to any owner. Even the most robust type will at the very least have bruising. A lighter animal may have advantages in the reduced impact forces but against that will have a more delicate frame so more easily damage, its swings and roundabouts. In all cases it is the deeper unseen damage that is the most dangerous and also the hardest to find. Sometimes even the seasoned owner can miss an injury when a dog is full of adrenaline but the next day or even few days see that all is not right and start to look for more than meets the eye.

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