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Been working my bitch for a good few years now, and in all honesty, the only time i see her shiver is in anticipation of getting out there in the field, ive had some fantastic times with her, and stil

No biters just facts , good and bad in everything , I've kept what people called ' great lines of collie lurchers' and they weren't so great at all , same as whippets , as I said good and bad in every


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Just a thought, something Iv been thinking about for the next few years. Is a straight working whippet better than say a smaller bred lurcher (rabbiting type)? Iv had no experience really with straight working whippets. The older iam getting theses days and current climate I am trying to stay away from the all the bigger quarry now and something just to mooch about with and lamping now again for rabbits.


So Iv been thinking about the whippet, or stick to what I know and get a little collie/grew type or something similar


Anybody went from life with lurchers to the little whippet and it's worked or does most resort back to what they know

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I know where there's a real classy Whippet at,not one of these little skinny things,it can run alright,I've seen it torture gear for over 2 minutes with ease & with a 100 yard law given & not just the once of a morning either,lamps great too..you need to hop on a ferry though but im sure the lad would stud him for a few dollars,the dog is Mike Brown stuff..cracking dog he is ?

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Can certainly second what Fuji said about about the whippet in question had him out with me for 3 seasons and he has had some graft and has the prey drive stamina and durability to withstand the work that's been through at him I ve had whippet bred similarly off Mike brown who I class as a good mate and mine got tested to the hilt but after 5 hard seasons had to be retired due to injury which is no disgrace he gave his all every time lead was slipped day and night I ve saw plenty dogs and whippets run and this whippet is best pure whippet I ever saw credit to lad who's got him he ain't shy wit slip,and runs him at every opportunity in winter he s lined a beddy greyhound bitch and produced some nice workers as another mate took a pup so he is a proven sire and I sure if the trip,was made he d line the bitch no bother and he d show the dog in action atb taffey

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a kc bitch years ago,that had plenty of stamina but no real speed. They feel the cold in proper winter,and skin is very thin. Most of them that are bred right will punch well above there weight though and have to be held back for there own good.

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  On 18/06/2016 at 10:11, socks said:


  On 18/06/2016 at 08:31, rabbitman1234567 said:

who breeds good hard working whippets

Nobody they are all shivery useless fukcing thing ........


I'd have to disagree there , seen plenty of whippets put a lot of lurchers to shame by day and on the lamp and seen them show up lurchers on a fox , btw I'm in Ireland so totally legal but yeah I wouldn't say there useless , I had big lurchers that wouldn't do what some whippets would.

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