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More Whippets

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Just putting a pic up of my too whippets relaxing, the older is out of sooty sam lines (Black and White one) and the little one is 11 1/2 weeks old and came from Frank (shipped over last week), I know that you can't really get a good idea of how he looks from this Pic but its one of his rare still moments and I was impressed with the Photo my wife took (I'm crap at taking pictures of the dogs).




Anyway thanks to Frank and I hope this confirms what I said about him Settling in well, Here is another of him...




While I'm Posting this I may as well Put on a few more Picture of the the older Dog




Ten Rabbits My biggest bag yet but can't get on the Permission again till Janurary :doh: ( I hope to set the bar higher then :yes: )


Another Pic of the Older one standing properly (Sorry I'm no David Bailey)




and a few more of him out ferreting (I rarely take a camera as I find it can be distracting)







nice dogs mate :thumbs:

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Just managed to get back on THL (between Flu, Ferreting and the festive season I've been too busy to check the site) and found all the replys to this post; thanks for all the people who have said that the dogs are lookin good etc, it makes being dragged around on the bike by the B/W dog seem a bit more worth while when he began to fill with some nice muscle tone does anyone else rate running the dog alongside a bike for improving its fitness? It seems to do my'n the world of good, I took out the Pup the other day for 100yards at 5mph (just to get him used to the bike so it's less of a shock when I take him out for real) and he seemed to enjoy it...


Lansra, Have you got any pics of your Pup? I'll put some more of mine up soon the Blue one is becoming a real wee beastie, but I've got to say I'm taking a real shine to him.

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