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warrens newest member to his rabbiting team,at 5 months i was surprised how intelligent this dog was not seeing it for a month or so . its obedience and retrieving was as good as any adult dog iv seen :thumbs:i have to say this pic does this poor dog absolutely no justice as my camera has just f...ed up :wallbash:

Edited by chink07
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Hi Chink, I want to pick this little puppy up with Chipper from a man living near to York, a good friend Mark Scot of "The Ferret Box Company" aranged for Chipper and myself to collect the pup off a friend of his that was not geling with this lovly little bitch, when we arived on the sunday afternoon we where made very welcome and showen around this mans very well kept kennles and ferret shed, molly was let out of her kennle to have a run around and settle herself down, Chipper walked down the garden to be followed by the pup and I think it was love at first sight, when Chipper walked away to the other end of the garden and called the pup she came staight to him, to the amazment of her owner who was having a problem with recall, we sat in the garden and had a cupper and a chat about dog/rabbits and all things country, before making our way back up the M1, in the weeks since I have watch the relationship between Chipper and Molly grow, and she has come on in leaps and bounds in his capeable hands, this pup has the makings of a very usefull addition to Chipper bobbery pack, if any one can bring the best out of this little bitch I sure he can, good luck with her Chipper

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Thanks for putting the photo up Chink, something I cant do and thanks for the nice little write up John. I know there are some on here that dont have much nice to say about Mr Burrell and that is up to them and I'm sure they will have their reasons. I hope I wont bring myself bad luck by taliking too soon about my Burrell bred lurcher puppy! Molly seems too good to be true, I cant rememeber having a pup I have liked so much, I show her something once or twice and she gets the drift. I reckon She is as much a mongrel bred lurcher as have ever had but thats the way I like them and the best all round workers I have ever seen have been mongrels. Regards Warren

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Thanks for the coments lads, up till now its thumbs up, i have been bracing myself for the thumbs down a little too much maybe. I'm very pleased that Chalky likes my pup as I truly do respect the man and his views on lurchers or out to do with them. My days of wanting a world beater are long gone and if this youg lurcher bitch which I like so much cant find and catch me some rabbits then I will eat my hat. Chalky I have told you how much I respect so please do one thing for me; get rid of that awfull thing at the bottom of your posts; Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, I admit I do take it a bit personal, I dont know if you really are my mate or just pretending? Regards and thanks again for the input. Warren

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