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Welsh Game Fair What Day Is The Lurcher Show

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  On 20/06/2016 at 10:59, samsung said:

Did anyone go to the Welsh Game fair yesterday ? Terrible weather and I didnt take dogs. I thought the judging was a bit heavy handed tbh and glad i didnt take any dogs .

yes first time in 8 years as i moved away i was looking forword to it what a let down 1/4 of the size it was be for could not even buy a pair of wellys there

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Also the prices to get in £15 adult £10 pensioner £5 child or £35 family ticket- I know the weather was bad yesterday but that didnt reflect on the amount of stalls there which seem to get less every year The show yesterday was the worst I have seen it . Maybe the rent for the Pembrey location for the 2 days is very high so hence why they need to charge so much and it could be they are charging too higher rent for the stalls which is driving them away .. I think they need to look for a different venue and a cheaper one , although because it was apoor crowd there yeterday there were no tail backs to get out of there like the previous years where your stuck in a queue for over an hour and are sent all around the park just to get through a gate and the holdup and queue is all down to the stop go men on the bridge . This is another reason why think a new venue should be sort before this Game fair dies a death . We have been going to it for around 27yrs .28 yrs and loved Gelli Aur , Carmarthen was shite as a venue but easier to get out. They really need to sit down and have a think in whats best to keep this show going and they have a facebook page but dont like any constructive critisism, and dont take onboard any ones comments of advice to improve the show .

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  On 20/06/2016 at 10:59, samsung said:

Did anyone go to the Welsh Game fair yesterday ? Terrible weather and I didnt take dogs. I thought the judging was a bit heavy handed tbh and glad i didnt take any dogs .

when you say the judging was very heavy handed,do you mean that the dogs you seen judged were just rushed over due to the adverse weather, or do you think the judging standards were poor,personally i have never heard of the lurcher judges tim and phil fawcett from cumbria,what sort of lurchers do theyhunt or have hunted over the years,and what their claim to fame,majority of lads that have judged at the welsh have been well known in the hunting circles.

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No not rushing because of weather what i saw was the judges kept pulling the back end of the dogs out and quite rough doing it and plonking them down then it was sort of doing one back leg and slightly pulling that then the other leg - and I saw a lot of the dogs were arching up because of this handling . Also saw him pick every foot up and splay the toes , then grap the front leg and flex the wrist right back . This type of handling in my opinion can rely upset a young dog and pups which will stay with them for a long time and make them weary of any future showing especially whippets which are a sensitive breed anyway.

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