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Labour Mp Jo Cox Shot Outside Library!

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Tragic loss for a family. But all this shite about conspiracies do you really believe it, in or out you will still get the same shit deal while politicians feather their own nests, and play host to their already inflated EGOS , Truth is the mental health units were so severely depleted of funds that these people are roaming the street, time to take back control , and while your at it deport that prick Geldof.

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Jo Cox wasn't a labour mp for very long and I don't think she was a career politician as such. She voted for by her constituents from what I can gather because she was open and friendly. She champione

Jo Cox supported mass immigration She campaigned for election by targeting the Muslim communities. Iv been told she was with geldoff protesting at fishermen the other day. Her husband wrote an art

I consider myself a Christian but I'm also only human and fallible and you can't help the way you have been made to feel.....so I can sympathise with Lens point of view.   The deeply sad part is tha

Tragic loss for a family. But all this shite about conspiracies do you really believe it, in or out you will still get the same shit deal while politicians feather their own nests, and play host to their already inflated EGOS , Truth is the mental health units were so severely depleted of funds that these people are roaming the street, time to take back control , and while your at it deport that prick Geldof.

geldof give us your fookin money man lol

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RIP, but I can't help thinking it's what's needed as the right have been bullied into near non existence by the left, they get labelled every type of label if they show any type of patriotism and are called nazi, racist, homophobic, islamaphob, etc etc, for too long the native peoples of the right wing in GB have been herded into a pressure cooker, well it's just exploded. Vote out. God bless her kids

You think that what's needed is more slaughtering of the democratically elected MPs and mothers of young children? What a cowardly and cretinous individual you are trying to justify this killing.


And as for any impact this murder will have on the euro referendum, I doubt it'll bring a single extra 'out' vote.., but it will probably motivate a few of the more apathetic 'remain' voters to get off their arses and to go out and vote.

Edited by pesky1972
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RIP, but I can't help thinking it's what's needed as the right have been bullied into near non existence by the left, they get labelled every type of label if they show any type of patriotism and are called nazi, racist, homophobic, islamaphob, etc etc, for too long the native peoples of the right wing in GB have been herded into a pressure cooker, well it's just exploded. Vote out. God bless her kids

Christian ?

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RIP, but I can't help thinking it's what's needed as the right have been bullied into near non existence by the left, they get labelled every type of label if they show any type of patriotism and are called nazi, racist, homophobic, islamaphob, etc etc, for too long the native peoples of the right wing in GB have been herded into a pressure cooker, well it's just exploded. Vote out. God bless her kids

You think that what's needed is more slaughtering of the democratically elected MPs and mothers of young children? What a cowardly and cretinous individual you are trying to justify this killing.

And as for any impact this murder will have on the euro referendum, I doubt it'll bring a single extra 'out' vote.., but it will probably motivate a few of the more apathetic 'remain' voters to get off their arses and to go out and vote.

Tbh I'd rather it be politicians than the public who cop for it in these terrorist attacks, and no I'm not glad she's been killed. Same as the lefties, if they want to let all these refugees in they should be made to house them and be made to pay extra taxes. That would soon change people's point of view I can guarantee. Edited by DogFox123
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RIP, but I can't help thinking it's what's needed as the right have been bullied into near non existence by the left, they get labelled every type of label if they show any type of patriotism and are called nazi, racist, homophobic, islamaphob, etc etc, for too long the native peoples of the right wing in GB have been herded into a pressure cooker, well it's just exploded. Vote out. God bless her kids

Christian ?

Pseudo Christianity is very popular......

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RIP, but I can't help thinking it's what's needed as the right have been bullied into near non existence by the left, they get labelled every type of label if they show any type of patriotism and are called nazi, racist, homophobic, islamaphob, etc etc, for too long the native peoples of the right wing in GB have been herded into a pressure cooker, well it's just exploded. Vote out. God bless her kids

You think that what's needed is more slaughtering of the democratically elected MPs and mothers of young children? What a cowardly and cretinous individual you are trying to justify this killing.

And as for any impact this murder will have on the euro referendum, I doubt it'll bring a single extra 'out' vote.., but it will probably motivate a few of the more apathetic 'remain' voters to get off their arses and to go out and vote.

im not trying to justify any killing, but she's a product of the society that they mainly the Labour Party and stay camp lefties have created here in GB, Yes they're own Frankenstein , but equally we have the right to object to it whilst GB just about has a last stand against it. I said she didn't deserve to die, but her pro immigration, pro eu, pro anti anything typical rob ye blind mp obviously made her an easy target. Just a shame it wasn't sturgeon
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When we have politicians signing folk off invalidity

With mental health issues or disability issues left right and center ' some of whom are that desperate they committing suicide .

When politicians are cutting or even stopping funding for organisations such as MIND who care for our Citizens with mental health issues in Our community.

Then yes somewhere along the line they will feel the backlash.

Sadly yesterday it was this lady.

Tomorrow who knows ?????

RIP but also RIP all those driven to suicide by Politicians who don't give a Fcuk for our Disabled and Elderley but are throwing cash at the Illegals storming over Our Borders.

the last part of your statement is exactly why the nation is so split
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I must be a conspiracy theorist,because I've been expecting something like this to come along and bolster further proposed hate speech laws for a while.


If they can tie it the 'leave' campaign,it'll settle it in my mind.

It's too perfect.


It turns out it's liars in the media saying he said 'Britain first',and he was in fact mentally ill and had no known political beliefs.


More likely just unfortunate timing.,let's hope the public aren't ignorant enough to fall for this.

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Jo Cox wasn't a labour mp for very long and I don't think she was a career politician as such. She voted for by her constituents from what I can gather because she was open and friendly. She championed local businesses and from what I can gather from locals interviewed that she was an old style labourite sticking up for and representing them unlike other mps.

I don't think she was a corbynite and didn't necessarily support all of labour's policies.

Her death was nothing but cold blooded murder unexcusable in the slightest degree.

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