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Sharpen Your Tools Without A Grinder

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Clown wouldn't be doing my kind of work. Takes you back though to the sandstone wheels, with pedals, that were used, in my past, in Scotland, to sharpen the scythes and hoes etc that were used to do a variety of jobs. The blades really didn't need to be that sharp, just effective. Anyone reading this remember singling turnips? No perhaps not but I did it for fckd days on end and believe me it was no fun. Just as an aside, anyone remember picking rose hips for the Delrosa syrup? That was fun. Jok.

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They still looked like they would struggle to cut butter,judging by the way they all run there fingers over the end of the chisels, quicker,better,easier and safer to just get the oil stone out, just means old fatso would have to leave the car and walk to the shed

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Clown wouldn't be doing my kind of work. Takes you back though to the sandstone wheels, with pedals, that were used, in my past, in Scotland, to sharpen the scythes and hoes etc that were used to do a variety of jobs. The blades really didn't need to be that sharp, just effective. Anyone reading this remember singling turnips? No perhaps not but I did it for fckd days on end and believe me it was no fun. Just as an aside, anyone remember picking rose hips for the Delrosa syrup? That was fun. Jok.

I still pick rose hips and make syrup every year, rich in vitamin C and really good for your joints, finally another reason to spend an evening out in the fresh air away from shite Enders
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Clown wouldn't be doing my kind of work. Takes you back though to the sandstone wheels, with pedals, that were used, in my past, in Scotland, to sharpen the scythes and hoes etc that were used to do a variety of jobs. The blades really didn't need to be that sharp, just effective. Anyone reading this remember singling turnips? No perhaps not but I did it for fckd days on end and believe me it was no fun. Just as an aside, anyone remember picking rose hips for the Delrosa syrup? That was fun. Jok.

I still pick rose hips and make syrup every year, rich in vitamin C and really good for your joints, finally another reason to spend an evening out in the fresh air away from shite Enders

What's the recipe?



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Rebel. Don't know the recipe my friend. When we were on the farm and living in the dark ages, any form of income was good. The school I was in offered 1/6d per pound of rose hips. My father decided to go for it with my mother and brothers. We had the luxury of cattle feeders in the barns which were altered to be able to keep the hips fresh. Earlstone High School took delivery of 1 tonne of rose hips which meant new bedside lights, downies and a few other luxuries. The shock on the headmasters face when confronted with such a huge amount will live in my memory forever. Since that day, to my knowledge, there has been no further rose hip gathering. Stealing a thread here. Jok.

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Clown wouldn't be doing my kind of work. Takes you back though to the sandstone wheels, with pedals, that were used, in my past, in Scotland, to sharpen the scythes and hoes etc that were used to do a variety of jobs. The blades really didn't need to be that sharp, just effective. Anyone reading this remember singling turnips? No perhaps not but I did it for fckd days on end and believe me it was no fun. Just as an aside, anyone remember picking rose hips for the Delrosa syrup? That was fun. Jok.

I still pick rose hips and make syrup every year, rich in vitamin C and really good for your joints, finally another reason to spend an evening out in the fresh air away from shite Enders

What's the recipe?


. Boil the hips in water, an inch deeper than the hips, when they soften up I give em a few presses with the potato masher, then simmer for ten or fifteen, then strain through a muslin cloth twice to remove the itchy fibres, put the liquid back in the pan boil in some sugar and bottle, I drink it like squash in cold water, it's really refreshing,free and good for you, there are loads of recipes on line just google rose hip syrup, you will also find some good info on the health benefits, it came about in the Second World War I think because the Germans cut off our food supply's and we could,nt grow enough veg and fruit, so the vitamin C rich rose hips stopped everyone catching scurvey, there ends today's lesson on rose hips cheers
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Clown wouldn't be doing my kind of work. Takes you back though to the sandstone wheels, with pedals, that were used, in my past, in Scotland, to sharpen the scythes and hoes etc that were used to do a variety of jobs. The blades really didn't need to be that sharp, just effective. Anyone reading this remember singling turnips? No perhaps not but I did it for fckd days on end and believe me it was no fun. Just as an aside, anyone remember picking rose hips for the Delrosa syrup? That was fun. Jok.

I still pick rose hips and make syrup every year, rich in vitamin C and really good for your joints, finally another reason to spend an evening out in the fresh air away from shite Enders

What's the recipe?


. Boil the hips in water, an inch deeper than the hips, when they soften up I give em a few presses with the potato masher, then simmer for ten or fifteen, then strain through a muslin cloth twice to remove the itchy fibres, put the liquid back in the pan boil in some sugar and bottle, I drink it like squash in cold water, it's really refreshing,free and good for you, there are loads of recipes on line just google rose hip syrup, you will also find some good info on the health benefits, it came about in the Second World War I think because the Germans cut off our food supply's and we could,nt grow enough veg and fruit, so the vitamin C rich rose hips stopped everyone catching scurvey, there ends today's lesson on rose hips cheers


Going to have to give that a go. :thumbs:

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Rebel. Don't know the recipe my friend. When we were on the farm and living in the dark ages, any form of income was good. The school I was in offered 1/6d per pound of rose hips .


1/6d ..seven and half pence a pound , your giving your age away mate .?....can you imagine doing that today ....??

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