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Picking A Pup Form A Litter

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in the past when picking a pup i have all the time in the world to watch them as i breed my owen well apart from cesar.iv always picked the most forward and boystres pup witch normaley carys theese trait all thro life after having cesar that is more layed back as a young dog and roybo saying he would jest eat and sleep as a pup and was very quiet im going to go down this road this time keeping a greedy sleep quiet pup as it dose not afect they work at all.

any one ells had the mad pup from the litter that stayed that way?

or the quiet one that worked well and stayed quiet and steady?

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My older dog would and still does now and again, try to push my button but was quite laid back.

My old bitch was litter of all bitches, the biggest most dominant out the litter and just a twat all her life.

My merle pup is laid back as well similar to the dog I have, maybe more alert. But any of them once there blood is up are keen. The pup I have at minute only 11week old, laid back n fairly calm but once he plays he means business and don't back down from older dog.

I think the calm pups make more biddable types tbh dai.

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I just kept the one I bond with me most when I had the litter the one I kept was always the one making a fuss of me and following me around ! It's help she was the type I wanted nice long back and Racey ! What ever you choice sure you will make the best out of it

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Id rather take a pup with a more laid back chilled attitude towards life rather than a full on,boisterous,bully in the litter of a pup,just makes life simpler at least in their early days lol..my black & tan dog was that way,still is really,like an old sheep whilst out for a walk,hardly ever lifts his head to see where he's walking haha but when he's out for work he's the most switched on unit you could imagine,i like it this way..all he lives for is food & graft,greediest animal known to mankind & will run until he drops..happy days & i think your doing the right thing by doing what your doing in choosing a puppy Dai,good luck buddy

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Similar to yourself D Llody i always like the the first most biggest most boisterous full of attitude pup, last one I had was the opposite a lot more chilled hung back that little bit just a pup happy in his own skin,


Iam happy with the end result and got me thinking about personality in a dog some people never get a dog to suit there's. Iv never been as happy with a dog since Iv kept dogs and iam more than sure it's to do with picking the more chilled layed back content pup or the right pup for me as everyone won't suit everyone. It's made me think a little more about it

Edited by Ross M
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I must say I always have picked the most boisterous full on pup ,but picked the mother to Cesar off a photo lol.

She has been an easy to live with bitch ,no hassle to live with,relaxed round the house,

But a different dog when hunting.

She is biddable too and will sit at a hole while ferreting all day if needed.

I picked the playful dog in the litter that had a bit of size but racy.

He still playful and a bit scatty at times,and want to be close to you (too much) .

I liked Cesar as a pup but his size I tried to match with the owner (not that he was a fat fecker lol) but his strength would help were he was being worked at the time .

But must say he is a lovely dog that must be a pleasure to own and easy to live with.

So if I was picking again that's the way I'd go.

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I used to always go on the biggest head and most outgoing pup. But no I ain't to fussed I like the pup that's content doesn't get over fussed about situations as in people coming round is at peace with its self, and preferably a greedy pup a good eater has a much better chance at succeeding imo.

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the parents were 24 and 25 and a half from the last litter i picked a pup from, so i chose the biggest dog as i would like my pup to hopefully be at the top end of that scale. its a lottery as you know all i can hope for is that i am able to bring the best out in the dog.

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When I picked my last pup He just followed me about siting under my legs. He more or less picked me he wasn't full of beans he was just happy to sit about. Now he's 16 months and just follows me everywhere still and he's no bother st all?

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My first lurcher rocky was a head case as a pup. Picked him at 6 weeks and he was clearly the pack leader. He hammered the other pups, ran over and grabbed my shoe laces, he was by far the craziest pup in the litter. And he stayed that way until he killed himself at 18 months old. Never had or seen a dog quite like him since. He was borderline feral.


My brindle bitch was the most laid back pup in her litter. All pups were play fighting and she was lay down behind the sofa asleep. I picked her up, she licked my face and went back asleep on my knee. She's never made a peep since I got her home 3 years ago, took to the kennel and house straight away. Sleeps anywhere you tell her to for 24 hours a day if you let her.


My red bitch was very boisterous and whilst not the biggest in the litter she was trying to assert herself and definitely looked fiery.


Needless to say she's a serious handful to this day.


So yeh I would say it's a massive indicator.

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