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I decided I needed a lure machine for the lurcher pup so had look online and they are silly money to buy and I decided I couldn't be arsed with the usual starter motor and heavy car battery things, and I'm terrible with electricity lol so I decided I needed to think outside the box. A few days later I was cutting the grass when my old inherited electric strimmer packed in and I thought "f*ck it I need a peterol one! Lol then the penny dropped! I could buy a new strimmer, finish cutting the grass and then Frankenstein it into a lure machine! It was actually really pretty simple and I now have a variable speed, fully portable lure machine that can be turned back in to a strimmer in 5 mins ;) I just turned a wooden spool on the lathe and drilled it for the shaft of the strimmer, made a guide from a couple of old bits of angle and loaded it with 30lb fishing line lol made a lure from some string and it works a treat ;) turned a couple of pegs to get some turns in for the dogs and I'm off to try it later. Had a Quik spin on the back street and it's deffo fast enough!




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Looks a tidy job mate. Not sure about the slow mo. Must be a setting you've not put in on your phone?

you may have to upload it to photo bucket or you tube then post the link.

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Up load using photo bucket mate and as for getting rid of slow motion go on your camera and across the bottom it will say slow mo/video/ photo just slide across to what you want mate.

Tidy job by the way

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Need to make a deeper spool to hold more line and a few more pegs. But I'm happy with the attempt lol I'm only feathering the trigger but W O T would test any dog lol mine couldn't decide wether to chase it or piss on it!

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