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Going Agains The Grain ......

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Keep the 2 and decide at a later date which one you will keep long term once you get to know them better

Some good answers on this thread and its interesting to see how people think ... Yeah tilly and ruby are litter sisters and are roughly the same size Tilly is just the better worker :-) ... With the

go with your gut bud you got pup for a long time & if theres that something special that catches your eye you'll probably bond better?? Imo. Atb

Sounds to me like you've just about made up your mind. I wouldn't worry about the fact the merle's small - it's hardly as if she's a runty little thing. You're just comparing the size difference between biggest and largest. And it's very unlikely by the time she's full grown she'll only be whippet sized...

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As youve said your dogs feed your family. Put sentiment out of the window, say the litter wasnt yours, and you have travelled 300 miles for a look at the litter, your planning to spend a piece of your hard earned cash, which animal would you pick from your experience to be your companion and work colleague make a hard nose choice and dont second guess it. ATB

Edited by desertbred
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Like the others I would say keep both,,but you explained why you can't ,,so fair play....


I don't know who's having the pups ,,,but maybe try to place the one you don't keep,,with somone close by who's out with you a lot,,perhaps a work colleague or one of your many minions ....lol

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  On 09/06/2016 at 07:44, desertbred said:

As youve said your dogs feed your family. Put sentiment out of the window, say the litter wasnt yours, and you have travelled 300 miles for a look at the litter, your planning to spend a piece of your hard earned cash, which animal would you pick from your experience to be your companion and work colleague make a hard nose choice and dont second guess it. ATB

spot on, you deff make a choice then, if it wasnt your litter, your gut feeling said the red, well go with it, all the pups are well bred, so your in with a fighting chance anyway :thumbs:

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Is Tilly a similar size to dais Ruby?

If so I'd imagine either should make 24"

So unless the small one is very small ,or the bigger one is very big they'd pay their way.

In saying that if all things are equal I'd pick a bigger bitch,as I think it opens a bit more up to them

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