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Black Bunny

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Thanks random but the mule fell through. :cray: Owner doesn't like other people using it. Maybe when I'm more established eh?


In the meantime I'm working on an alternative,






Went back last night with the night vision but not good. The field I tried has tall wheat right up to the edge and you couldn't get through it without making a noise. Also very tiring with your kit on your back.

After a couple of hours I had two rabbits and missed two because of misjudging distance.


I got a text telling me that someone else was shooting that night and they couldn't get hold of him to tell him I was about. I did speak to him eventually but with next to no signal I just about managed to tell him where I was. I heard one very loud bang in the distance a bit later and decided a discreet exit was in order :D


Well we learn each time we go and I learned that that particular field was one for plotting up or shooting at seeding or harvesting time.


Next time I'll try one of the drive around fields.

Edited by toxo
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I always take the odd coloured ones first , there the ones the land owners see first and when there gone they think your making big inroads into the numbers

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