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Looking Back On Life

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People hate the word "regret" ,,,


I don't believe any of you that have none,,,,but use other words like,,,I wished I made a better decision ...


Pull the other one,,,


By wishing you had chosen somthing else,,or whatever words you use,,,,you ARE regretting whatever you did choose...

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I'm on 33 but have lots of regrets . I regret ever having my first drink and the damage its done to my body and family .I regret being nice to certain people in the dog world who stabbed me in the bac

I genuinley wouldnt change a thing because without it all I wouldnt be who I am or where I am now.   Do wish my old dear was still about tho to meet the little uns atleast. hey ho. what doesnt kill

I regret alot of stuff ive done in my life but the things i regret are the things that have made me a better person so no i wouldnt change them as the saying goes we live and learn. And we dont make m

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Beatings at school back then were part of the curriculum,if they hadnt whacked me i would have wondered,one teacher when i was 9 or 10 backhanded me across a table and burst my nose,sent me to nitty norah the school nurse,he must have realised he had gone a bit too far as he came to my home that night to apologise,my mam and dad blamed me,years later turned out he had molested a kid in another class and mentally f****d him up in later life.

The worst teachers were the unmarried spinsters one whacked me across the face with a taws,a leather strap with a split in it that left a red wheal across my cheek,got the cane loads,slipper,blackboard ruler across the head,head banged on the desk and against a wall once,different times,but if a teacher had done that to my kids i would have stamped them into a corridor.

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Got me thinking back this thread. The infant and junior school was next to a convent. When you were sent for a bit of punishment it was a nun who gave it out. The convent was originally built for the sisters of mercy and one in particular showed none.

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  On 06/06/2016 at 14:45, darbo said:

Got me thinking back this thread. The infant and junior school was next to a convent. When you were sent for a bit of punishment it was a nun who gave it out. The convent was originally built for the sisters of mercy and one in particular showed none.

Nuns always seemed to be man haters with serious mental problems.

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  On 04/06/2016 at 10:12, tb25 said:


  On 04/06/2016 at 07:32, mr scent said:

I'm on 33 but have lots of regrets . I regret ever having my first drink and the damage its done to my body and family .I regret being nice to certain people in the dog world who stabbed me in the back . The biggest regret I have though has always being alcohol . Lost my appendix and and few inches of my pancreas from being an alcoholic and nearly lost my wife's and kids but thankfully I had a second chance and grabbed the bull by the horns

good man..glad the wife stood by you it's certainly not easy on the loved ones.well done
only for her I'd prob be dead or even worse living on my own not seeing my kids but things changed for the best and my eldest son has moved in with me permantly now so I think theses things happen for a reason
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Life is not easy... Some people may walk it with you but they can't walk it for you.


Plenty of regrets and what ifs, wish I had been able to say good by to my grandfather before he passed and had more time with my gran before she passed! They were like my parents...


I wish I fuck3d off my so called father a long time ago, what a waste of space he is. Shit father and husband. We never really got on, I guess I always saw him for what he was even from a young age, a C*Nt!


Choice of friends and associates over the years could have been better... I have helped many over the years and got very little or nothing back!


Now in my early 30's, I'm a father myself and couldn't imagine putting my son through or letting him go through the shit I did! I had to fend for myself, always, I had very few in my corner When I needed it!


Having said all that, hadn't I gone through everything I've been through, would I have the family, job, home and lifestyle I have now? In all honest I don't think so!


The bottom line is, if it doesn't kill you and you use all that anger from the Knocks and bumps you get along the way, in the right way, then you will get out what you put in!

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maxhardcore your full of shi,viv was no more a bully then a good mate of mine from your neck of the woods ernie bewick ,dont spk about dead people who are not here to defend them selves ,as he still has plenty of mates alive including me that will shut your f**k,,g mouth for you,did you even know viv no so what gives you the right to slag him ,what part of sunderland you from anyway

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