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Looking Back On Life

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I had a teacher at school who told me i would end up rich or in prison but either way id have an interesting life........he was a very nice man as it happens i was just too full of fire to realise it at the time......as luck would have it i ran into him many years later and we spent a lovely aftenoon sitting chatting......looking back he had great wisdom where the other teachers were all power hungry c**ts !


I always lived by an old Muhammad Ali saying that i spoke about on the other topic and have accomplished more than i ever thought possible for a scruffy little no mark off the estate so a few regrets are innevitable but looking back..........id do exactly the same thing again :D

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I'm on 33 but have lots of regrets . I regret ever having my first drink and the damage its done to my body and family .I regret being nice to certain people in the dog world who stabbed me in the bac

I genuinley wouldnt change a thing because without it all I wouldnt be who I am or where I am now.   Do wish my old dear was still about tho to meet the little uns atleast. hey ho. what doesnt kill

I regret alot of stuff ive done in my life but the things i regret are the things that have made me a better person so no i wouldnt change them as the saying goes we live and learn. And we dont make m

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  On 04/06/2016 at 09:20, Blackbriar said:

I had a Games teacher pretty much like every other one - a dangerous psychopath, with an obvious hatred of children ! He would chase miscreants with a spiked running shoe, and twat them across the ar5e if he caught them !! He couldn't be bothered to learn anyone's name, so he just called everyone "laddie". A charming fellow........


On the other hand, I had a Chemistry teacher, Mr Swords, who holds nothing but fond memories (in a non-Operation Yewtree kind of way !). He had a mop of curly black hair and often wore a green corduroy suit with a watch chain. He was a proper eccentric-type, funny and engaging, and clearly loved his job. I suppose most importantly, I can remember a lot of what he taught me, best part of 40 years later !


As for life in general, if I had my time over again, I'd make all the same mistakes......just sooner !

Was that games teacher called Bateman ours was and what an evil twat he was, he made a kid who was exempt from doing sports because he was asthmatic run the cross country course, which nearly killed him, he was carted away in an ambulance, and very soon after bateman was gone , no leaving ceremony he just vanished. The school i went to had half the teachers in cloaks and mortar board hats, which signified an evil twat, and were keen to dispense the cane. Opening line was which hand do you write with meaning you got caned on the other hand, and believe me it brought tears to your eyes, although you werent supposed to show it. The headmaster and the dean left you outside their office for an age before you got called in and then given the choice of which cane you wanted varying in thickness. Mental warfare in its finest form,we were often told by certain teachers about their amazing exploits, which as a12yr old kid you realised it was bullshit. On the other hand the best teacher we had was no disciplinarian a kind man who made lessons interesting and who commanded natural respect, in an art lesson he said can i buy that painting off you i thought he was joking, it was a painting of a barn owl and he gave me 2 bob for it a kings ransom to me in those days 10p for the younger viewers on here..I learned in later life he was a member of the LRDG and was decorated for bravery under fire.

Edited by keepitcovert
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  On 04/06/2016 at 18:58, keepitcovert said:


  On 04/06/2016 at 09:20, Blackbriar said:

I had a Games teacher pretty much like every other one - a dangerous psychopath, with an obvious hatred of children ! He would chase miscreants with a spiked running shoe, and twat them across the ar5e if he caught them !! He couldn't be bothered to learn anyone's name, so he just called everyone "laddie". A charming fellow........

On the other hand, I had a Chemistry teacher, Mr Swords, who holds nothing but fond memories (in a non-Operation Yewtree kind of way !). He had a mop of curly black hair and often wore a green corduroy suit with a watch chain. He was a proper eccentric-type, funny and engaging, and clearly loved his job. I suppose most importantly, I can remember a lot of what he taught me, best part of 40 years later !

As for life in general, if I had my time over again, I'd make all the same mistakes......just sooner !


Was that games teacher called Bateman ours was and what an evil twat he was, he made a kid who was exempt from doing sports because he was asthmatic run the cross country course, which nearly killed him, he was carted away in an ambulance, and very soon after bateman was gone , no leaving ceremony he just vanished. The school i went to had half the teachers in cloaks and mortar board hats, which signified an evil twat, and were keen to dispense the cane. Opening line was which hand do you write with meaning you got caned on the other hand, and believe me it brought tears to your eyes, although you werent supposed to show it. The headmaster and the dean left you outside their office for an age before you got called in and then given the choice of which cane you wanted varying in thickness. Mental warfare in its finest form,we were often told by certain teachers about their amazing exploits, which as a12yr old kid you realised it was bullshit. On the other hand the best teacher we had was no disciplinarian a kind man who made lessons interesting and who commanded natural respect, in an art lesson he said can i buy that painting off you i thought he was joking, it was a painting of a barn owl and he gave me 2 bob for it a kings ransom to me in those days 10p for the younger viewers on here..I learned in later life he was a member of the LRDG and was decorated for bravery under fire.

He was Mr Feeney (Christian name Bob, I think). I've got a little voice at the back of my head saying he played rugby for Nottingham......


What is it about Games teachers ??

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  On 04/06/2016 at 08:44, terryd said:


  On 04/06/2016 at 07:50, king said:

My gran allways used to say.

Drink is the root of all evil.

Drink is what killed my grandfather.the back yard had flooded due to bust water main.

Gran was in hospital.i got home at 18yr old.10pm.water lapping at the back door step.it was like a pond out there.

It was very dark there.i was on the bucket throwing water onto the lawn when something caught my eye floating towards me I looked it was my grandfather face down dead.

So my gran was right.

And that's my biggest regret.going out that night.i should of stayed in.



on a similar note my gran had a stroke and was in hospital and when i visited as I left she said terry i am scared and I said don't worry you be fine and kept going and that night she passed away. Was like a mum to me. Would give any thing to have turned round and stayed with her


I was the apple of my gran,s eye or Nana as i called her


when she past i had been to see her and my aunty told me she had been asking for me


i got to say goodby to her


the funny thing was she did not know any body she did not no her own sons or daughters or any other family members but as soon as she heard my voice she turn,d her head and say,d is that our big jimmy (as she called me)


She held my hand told me she loved me and that my grandad was waiting in the room for her over by the bed


she smile,d and closed her eyes


but my grandad had past away some years earlier


I left the room and she past 20 mins later so im the same as you just wish,d i had stay,d


Im going to leave it at that lads to many memories coming back now


and it still hurts


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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I've made shit loads of mistakes and made thousands of wrong decisions but they have all Led me to where I am now and I couldn't be any happier. 2 beautiful kids a wife that keeps me in line what more do you want. atb?

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I know exactly how you feel mac, when my son was born he had suffered a heart attck inside his mother. The doctors were going to try and get him to bristol for an operation but when they put him into the travel incubator he deteriorated badly, they gave us the choice of trying it and him dieing alone on route or us letting him pass peacefully with all his family around him. I still question myself daily whether or not I made the right choice and would I now have a three year old son and not a grave to visit.

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I don't regret any of the decisions I made in my life because they paved the way to the life I have now.. A 3month old grandson and a decent quality of life can't ask for more

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I think the only regret I have was being too shy at school and trying too hard to do well at exams etc. Academics might look good on your CV but it means nothing. My biggest hero's is my mate that I've known almost all my life who is dyslexic. He's a bloomin legend, he does rather than just saying. I wish I could be more like him.

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Looking back, them teacher's should be locked up, hitting kids or anyone weaker than yourself is a coward bully. As for drinking, I was brought up all around it and everything else. Started to drink a few years ago and didn't realise,. I was going nearly the same. Packed it in for a month now, my girlfriend gave me a good punch in the head one night and I realised after, my attitude, had been horrible. Oh well,

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  On 05/06/2016 at 20:42, Kay said:

I don't regret any of the decisions I made in my life because they paved the way to the life I have now.


Yep good outlook, not much point in would have could have should have unless you get a second chance or have a Delorean 88mph time machine about you.


Talking of skool, I werent too fussed about being there and had no parental guidance to speak off. When I was about 14 I went with my dad to parents evening and knew the shit was gonna hit the fan by the time I made it back home, but I was saved by my english teacher Mrs Owen, who probably saw through my old man searching for negativety and said "no, he will do allright in life" smiling at me. That is the first bit of positiveness id ever heard directed at me by anyone. 7 words I havent forgotten.


I have one big regret, a large piece of useless ballast ive been trying to pull uphill with me for almost half my life. Realised it about years ago then 6 years ago I saw what I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy - a cold calculating black heart, took me over 4 year years to escape, which was a game test and a half, even then I was still giving out chances. Taken me 18 months to rebuild my mind, my body & very nearly their with my soul which which was very nearly all sucked out of me which is what parasites do. I like me again. & that cold calculating black heart hasnt changed, ive had a lucky escape and congratulate myself daily.

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  On 05/06/2016 at 18:56, South hams hunter said:

I know exactly how you feel mac, when my son was born he had suffered a heart attck inside his mother. The doctors were going to try and get him to bristol for an operation but when they put him into the travel incubator he deteriorated badly, they gave us the choice of trying it and him dieing alone on route or us letting him pass peacefully with all his family around him. I still question myself daily whether or not I made the right choice and would I now have a three year old son and not a grave to visit.

My heart can only go out to you for having to make such a decision as well as the outcome.

I honestly think that in those situations you do make the right choice, but the responsibility of making it knowing there may of been a minuscule chance will always be there.

Having been in a situation not too dissimilar, 100% you did the right thing and no one will ever feel worse about that than you.

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  On 04/06/2016 at 19:16, MickC said:

No point sitting about whingeing about regrets,weve all done things we shouldnt have,its how you come back from these that show what type of character you are.


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