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Best Collars , Leads And Equipment?

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Just to mention, that I actually make collars in widths from 3/4" up to 2" wide, and it is the customer that chooses the width they buy.


I do not come around to your house in the dark and gag you with my dick until you buy the widest collar in the f***ing world.


As for a bespoke service ... Almost every collar I make is done this way, I have a bit of stock to take to the odd show, but mostly make to order, is this good or something?


The OP is now sorted, he rang me Saturday morning, paid me within an hour, his collars were made before I went to work last night and will be in the post Monday morning.


strongstuff, because life is too short to be messing with special potions on strips of old cows that will go slimy, stretch and rot.






Ive leather collars and leads that have been used on dog,after dog,some over 20 years old and still strong,reliant and serviceable,Lets be a tad honest here pal,you want peoples dollar and encourage your ss EXPENSIVE merchandise,well done and good luck with that,yet when i first encountered your merchandise i thought it was a joke and still do,its expensive and second rate to leather,fact.There is a market for both and i applaud your industry and ability to earn an income from it,very well done.Leather will weather,ive yet to see a cow go slimy,stretch or rot,unless dead,as the majority of leather goods are made from dead animals you may have a point,but you stretch it beyond belief to encourage the useage of your expensive wares,ive leather here that cost me £2, 20 years ago and the same that cost me a £5 last year,ill still be using both in many years to come,plus ive just paid a small fortune to have another rubber sole put on my 15 year old boots,the leathers fine,the non leather keeps letting them down.Your avatar picture is a prime example why id never put a ss collar on a runner.




Boots ... No arguments on that one, Trickers x 2, Loake, Hanwag and Lowa here.


Expensive? Behave.


Avatar photo is not a runner, of any description, you never had that horrible feeling when you're dragging your dog off something and yet another shitty collar snaps?

My gear isn't the best because I say it is, it is the thousands of lads who know they can trust it not to fail like leather can.



I don't earn a living from it full time, I couldn't be arsed with the increase in messers I'd have to deal with if I relied on it to feed me.




The day i need to drag a dog away or off something is the day i know i failed the dog.I command the mutt obeys and as i seldom work them with a collar it would be a futile task to tug at whats in my pocket or rucksack and the fecking numptys that need to drag their jukels away with force may be best suited to your merchandise,only joking-perhaps.Im happy that you get revenue from your gear and fully appreciate the difficullty it takes in earning a crust at times,very well done and i say that without any form of malice or mischief mucker.I can source a leather collar that will fit a big lurcher and last for more than the lurchers life,£5,how much would an ss collar be to fit the same type of mutt?.


"Leave!" ... Righto. :huh:


£5, it would cost £4.45 to post that!


Where are they made for a fiver? By 6 year olds in China?


Minimum wage in UK is around £7, they must be making a few an hour to make any profit by the time material costs are taken into account.


One of mine would be £15 to £20.




Thus i could go to Hargreaves in Keighley and take home a bespoke Buffalo leather collar that will last me a lifetime for a snippance of what you charge,it will fit far snugger,thus being far,far,far,far safer if left on a runner,fact.As i walk past the place most days i may not need the postage charge,even with id have 2 for the price of 1.Supply and demand mucker and market forces dictate the market,you do well enough im sure,good luck and no ill regards.I just don,t like ss gear,as many do keep at it.



What's this "safer" thing, unless you can show me any direct evidence where a collar I made has proved to be unsafe, then I strongly suggest you pack that nonsense in.


Are you the H+S representative for "jukels" now then?


I would suggest that there are many lads who say that the gear I make has actually saved their dog from serious injury, and I'm going to leave that there.


I'd also point out that the materials in my collars cost more than £5.



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I like leather ,but the SS stuff for hard wearing trustworthiness and longevity leave it for dead ,and despite how he comes across on here he is a very pleasant young man .

If there was an ounce of truth in what you say about £5 buffalo collars Morton then how has strong stuff sold his collars to thousands of dog lads with strong dogs world wide?   Genuine question. I'

My little girl really rates strong stuff gear...  

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If there was an ounce of truth in what you say about £5 buffalo collars Morton then how has strong stuff sold his collars to thousands of dog lads with strong dogs world wide?


Genuine question. I'm baffled.


I don't need the strong stuff gear like some lads do, I just like it, it's nice looking gear, outlasts the dog, is comfortable in the hand and further more I like buying British where possible.

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