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Old Terminology

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I still talk about 'taping' things off TV on Sky+.

Not terminology I know but you just don't see this anymore. ...mam always tubbed us in the kitchen sink .

We still call going to the cinema "going to the pictures"

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Because I said so.

Don't look at me in that tone of voice

If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?

Who's "she"? The cat's mother?

What did your last slave die of?

Eating the crusts will make your hair curly.

I said to my Mam once "what did your last slave die of" and she said "answering back!!" LOL
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Because I said so.

Don't look at me in that tone of voice

If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?

Who's "she"? The cat's mother?

What did your last slave die of?

Eating the crusts will make your hair curly.

Yep and eating carrots make you see in the dark but eating crusts was to make your teeth strong.lol
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From Mums everywhere...


Because I said so.

Don't look at me in that tone of voice

If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?

Who's "she"? The cat's mother?

What did your last slave die of?

Eating the crusts will make your hair curly.

Yep and eating carrots make you see in the dark but eating crusts was to make your teeth strong.lol



I always wanted straight hair and weak teeth, so I didn't eat mine.

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Also racist terms like Shwartz or kaffa as in " I had a fight with that big Kaffa or Shwartz " maybe that was just around my way though , but still haven't heard them for years lol .

Spades !

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If he asks where something is my reply is '' its in the sideboard'' and when its getting dark its '' put the big light on''. ..... I also say put the crocks away don't leave them on the draining board...lol

The big light lol, I hate having the big light on. :)


As I have got older I have done away with these energy saving light bulbs ... I recall saying '' I need to see what I am doing at my age I cant afford a fall'' :laugh:

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