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Corruption At Basc?

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Apparently the CE been sacked and escorted off premises by Police.


Other big members left or sacked. Some talk of fraud etc.


Not seen anything on big sites, although on another site I'm on this topic has been locked :/


I have seen this on a Facebook shooting group as the source.


Anyone have any idea what's actually going on ?


Personally I'm no lover of BASC as I found them to be useless when I actually wanted them to do something to challenge the police regarding FAC conditions.

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When the chips are down and that sticky moment comes by ,you turn to the one organisation that youve religiously paid into every year since they were founded only for them to turn their backs and push

It's pretty obvious, any organisation that seems so intent on dreaming up new schemes to relieve its member and the people it's meant to represent of money instead of just getting on with the serious

Keep the fee down !!!!.......Jesus Christ what would it be otherwise ?!!

It's pretty obvious, any organisation that seems so intent on dreaming up new schemes to relieve its member and the people it's meant to represent of money instead of just getting on with the serious business of fighting for what they already have is all about the dollar.

You don't need to be Hercule Poirot to work that out.

Edited by WILF
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I was a member for years and they turned there back on me and left me out to hang when I needed there help on a firearms matter. ... I would not Piss on any of them if they were on fire except mike evely really nice bloke who I have a lot of time for

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Any more details yet ?

BASC Council in about a week unless they cancel it and it will be hard for them to keep the lid on the 'changes' .

Sometime, someone has to confirm what I suspect many already know and are keeping quiet about for the sake of all those who shoot.

We should be clear about what corruption, as per the title, means;


Corruption is a form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.

Edited by KES2
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Bullying in the workplace has been an issue here for quite some time and this info comes from inside BASC headquarters, I know a lad in there, the other issue is certain top brass buying 4X4 vehicles and getting them fitted out with every convenience for their own dogs even though they are nothing to do with the gun dog section,mis-use of members funds have long been an issue and it all came to a slanging match last week, the police were called as women were being threatened and asked to leave, staying in posh hotels with all drinks meals,etc claimed on expenses instead of camping at the game fairs,the list is endless, membership money was funding certain peoples lifestyles and it was the membership who have paid for it, thats the top and bottom of the argument that got out of hand,everyone wanted the same deal, WM

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  On 06/06/2016 at 10:58, Plucky1 said:

Bullying in the workplace has been an issue here for quite some time and this info comes from inside BASC headquarters, I know a lad in there, the other issue is certain top brass buying 4X4 vehicles and getting them fitted out with every convenience for their own dogs even though they are nothing to do with the gun dog section,mis-use of members funds have long been an issue and it all came to a slanging match last week, the police were called as women were being threatened and asked to leave, staying in posh hotels with all drinks meals,etc claimed on expenses instead of camping at the game fairs,the list is endless, membership money was funding certain peoples lifestyles and it was the membership who have paid for it, thats the top and bottom of the argument that got out of hand,everyone wanted the same deal, WM


that puts a nigger in the wood pile, people and money don't mix always brings out the Devils of society
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  On 06/06/2016 at 13:58, Lloyd90 said:

All that money to join and spent kitting out their range rovers Couldn't make it up!


An like others when you need their help they're not interested!

Money grabbing barstewards, using Members Money. And when you want help from them, all you get is Feck All.

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Sad state of affairs it would seem.

The statement says there is a Council meeting on the 18th at which a new Chairman will be elected, and some more disclosures one presumes?

I wonder how much of this current reticence is to protect shooting and how much to protect BASC against the inevitable backlash ?

Still, if you work for BASC I am sure you would see it as the same thing maybe?


All credit to them, they managed the JS catastrophe by actually increasing membership. Who would have thought that?

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