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I Want A B2 !! What's Wrong With Me ?

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Feel this strange urge to get a b2 .

I think its because I missed out on the totally bottom end of the market .

My first rifle is a now heavily modded stoeger x20s closely followed by 900x both .22 .

Then a hw99 .177 and a Hassan 55 .177 both tuned.

Then a 1980 hw80 .22 .

Then a tx hc and a 97 both .177 my tx is the only untuned rifle I have.


So why do I feel the need to get a b2 ? Think it might be because I am working near a shop that sells them for £ 38 and I fancy a new challenge or maybe my standards have dropped and since it could be a while before I can get a pro sport .

I will handle one this week to see if its a passing perversion .

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Do it. Had a B2 as my first air rifle. Starling basher at best. Recoils erratically and smells of grease, awful wood, wank blacking, but Id love to have that old rifle back :D


30 quid and posted it was back then.

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Do it. Had a B2 as my first air rifle. Starling basher at best. Recoils erratically and smells of grease, awful wood, wank blacking, but Id love to have that old rifle back :D


30 quid and posted it was back then.

Funny you should say this rez. My first rofle was a b2..

I took aim at one starling.. and hit a completely different one! Haha


Op dont bother getting one there not worth 38p nevermind 38 quid

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A B2 was my first rifle and it was the rifle I have seen the most impressive trick shot ever done with. Forget Zini and Davey, try aiming at a target, and shooting yourself up the backside with it! A full 4 ricochet run round the garden to the right cheek. My wife was not so impressed as it was she who pulled the shot off!


When I had picked myself up off the floor after crying tears of laughter concern, we checked and there was just a nasty bruise. I have never seen such a fantastic shot in my life. We soon got a couple of 60S rifles after that!

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Don't get all panick stricken but they didn't have any b2 s in stock and have been waiting for a long time. Not sure if its a national shortage yet but just thought I should warn you.

On the plus side it stopped me buying one and I was good only buying 3 tins of pellets.

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I shot myself right between the eyes with my .22 b2! Shooting at a carlsberg glass bottle at abut 15 yards to see if itwould smash.goodjob the 'rifle' was only probably putting out 6-8 ftlb lol

It left a mark for about 10 mins and we were all pissing ourselfs

You are in more danger of being injured by the swarf on the mechanism than if shot by one :laugh:

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