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Price For Pups ......

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now, i have never bred a litter in 30+ years of working dogs, so i might be talking bollocks, but here is a thought. look at pedigree dogs and you are talking 700/800 plus; look at well bred gundogs and maybe £500+. why are lurchers and terriers so cheap? and why are there so many in the rescue centres ? if every lurcher pup cost 500 would people be so happy to get rid if they werent working out? or would they be more motivated to try to find solutions to minor problems and train/look after/work the dogs a bit more carefully if they had a considerable value?

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If I'm selling,,,£350 -500,,,,,,,   If I'm buying,,,,up to £100.......,.,lol

You were breeding for yourself so what ever you gets a bonus lol£100 to 150 plenty I had a litter of 8 and walked away with £300 and was well pleased with the homes they got and thought that was more

If one of my mate's tried to gift me a pup... I'd still shove 150 notes in his hand as a thank you...   You've bred them...and weaned then. Here's a drink mate....

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Amount of bull shit on this site at times. Don't matter who they are, dog men , from what Iv found have been just as bad as fishermen, and that's a lying b*****d. U gift a pup on a handshake and conditions and I know lots of times it have back fired.

IMO you gotta pay enough for the seller to know your commited to the pup in first place, but not too much to take the piss. Anywhere between 150-500 in my opinion is reasonable if it is something that you want, and it's something that the breeder is saying it is in first place.

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300 I think a very fair price for a dog or there abouts, to be fair you wouldn't get a kc spaniel or lapdog for less than that, a well bred lurcher worth every bit as much as it will of been a well thought out line, stud cost may need to be considered too along with rearing which when fine right isn't cheap, it's enough too deter chancers and make people think before pulling out for said pup

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You aren't breeding to make money. You wouldn't have bred at all if you couldn't have kept all the pups yourself if ( in the unlikely situation ! ) they didn't get homes. You may be looking to cover costs - a very reasonable thing. However, something tells me the prospective homes are going to be far more important than the notes waved to try to get a pup from you !

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Id charge nothing if they was mine ... But saying that's id pay what ever the asking price if I wanted a pup from a certain litter..

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250 is a fair price the way look at it its a working animal and if its well bred and decent the endless sport it gives you 250 is fechakll really fech i would pay athousand if i thought they would turn out like rex lana etc sol ,catching thousands of game back when it was legal , a dogs worth what it can do in the feild and the time the man has put in to breed them etc ,


now if its just any thing to anything then well its aflip of a cion , but if got years of good dogs bred for generaitions well ou got to pay for that at times , you buy a cheap hammer 5 pound you buy an estwing 40 pound , dogs are simliar ,

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