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Air Arms Pro Sport

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I finally got around to buying a Pro Sport. Maybe not the most practical rifle from the perspective of a sporting tool. Obselete technology as a power source, recoiling action, single shot and slow to reload. None of that matters, I love it ! It's rather a case of going back to basics for myself. Rifle shooting as it should be. One shot and making sure it counts. At the end of the day rabbits don't shoot back so bolt mag loading or a semi auto action isn't really a necessity. An advantage yes but not essential.


The accompanying pic ( if it's uploaded ) doesn't do the rifle justice. Need to resize the ones from my camera but managed to take one on the phone of a suitable size. I really is a work of art. The walnut is little straight grained but beautifully sculptured. The metalwork is engineered to a very high standard. The balance is nigh on perfect. Maybe I've hit lucky and it just happens to be a perfect fit for me but it feels custom made. Same with the action, the "lock time", for want of a better expression, is almost instantaneous making the slight recoil almost of no relevance. The trigger is one of the finest units I've ever came across and was perfect straight out of the box.


Maybe my choice of 'scope, a 2-7x32, is rather small for modern tastes but the I found the short length to be an advantage for a manually loaded breech action.


I had hoped to find a rifle that matched up to the BSA Airsporter S that I used as a kid. Well it certainly does that and some. In fact if we were to think of the BSA as a Triumph Stag then the Pro Sport as a Stag built by Aston Martin using the very best modern engineering techniques but still retaining the original 20th century sports car charm.


Thank you to everyone who took the time give their input.

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I finally got around to buying a Pro Sport. Maybe not the most practical rifle from the perspective of a sporting tool. Obselete technology as a power source, recoiling action, single shot and slow to

I can only echo mac's comments.   Another vote for the prosport and no problem with two piece mounts at all. But go for quality no cheapy ones  

Where will i start ???   PRO SPORT   more pointable than the tx   balance is perfect   not front end heavy like the tx or the 97   as the under leaver is tucked away under the stock   and

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I agree that the wood is little light at the moment. I believe that the factory finish given by AA is purposely left slightly 'open 'to allow the owner to finish the wood to their own taste? Sure I've read that on another post on THL when I was gathering info on the rifle. My intention is to apply Birchwood gun stock wax. Very carefully! At the moment I've avoided using it in the rain or even with sweaty hands ☺

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  • 6 months later...

Funny thread...love it.


Only comment I'm going to make is that I find my prosport a little fussy on heavier pellets but apart from that its superb, easily the best I've ever owned and I've had loads from FWKB's and weirauchs to webleys and BSA's. Rollover was a bit sharp at first but once I got my head around the loading of the rifle, its not an issue any longer.


Have to say though, that pic does look as if the stocks unfinished which is perhaps a bonus. Mines only a few months old in beech and its a deep reddish brown.


By the way, I'll be a etching and spraying the cocking leaver in a few months after the 12 month warranty expires. The chaps in work have already confirmed its good to go so will post the results and process if it works.

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Blimey what a thread! :icon_eek:


The thing with salesmen is, they are on a commission as well as salary so, they want sales figures in to make up their wages. They don't give a frig about your opinions of the guns they represent. The boss says to sell more TX200s than Pro Sports at all costs? The TX200 becomes the greatest rifle on the planet and Pro Sports are a poor second.


I once visited a shooting show where RWS had a stand. They had brought out their Excalibur-type, two shot rifle and I thought it looked beautiful. I offered my compliments to the salesman on how well it looked. I was seriously tempted as the rifle, despite being right handed, felt good in my left hand and shoulder and the ignorant prick just muttered something unintelligeable and looked at me is if I was a bloody nuisance gone out!

I had a thousand quid in cash, in £50 and £20 notes on me and after the most negative impression from this dick, I told him to shove it up his arse in the end and walked off with my cash safe. Bought a TX200 .22 and a mint Bushnell scope instead.


Good lads here arguing over the opinions and bullshits of a bloody little nobody bugger all sales peddlar?


No sirs! Not worthy of your thoughts or voices :nono:


And the Pro Sport is one of the most beautiful small objects of desire on the planet. As well as a serious air rifle of accuracy and performance. Finally going to buy one! :toast:

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Have to agree with Simon that the PS is a beautiful rifle. Mine was extremely accurate (more so than me) and a pleasure to own, especially as it had the walnut stock. However, I found it never felt right in the hand, if that makes any sense. The reach to the trigger always felt too short and I didn't like the narrow, polished blade (I could have bought a Rowan or similar, but that wouldn't have solved the reach issue). I tried to get on with it, but sold it in the end and bought another HW95 (already had a .22 and got a .177 to go with it). The 95 stock just suits my hand and I find the broad, flat, grooved Rekord trigger blade much more to my liking. Horses for courses, of course. The PS is a wonderful gun if it suits you,

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  • 2 years later...

swapped my 1.77 pro sport a few yrs back.....f***ing big mistake....☹

owned a tx 200 for 12/15 yrs,shot loads of rabbits and corvids with it,but found it heavy and noisy ....

bought a new gasram hw80 1.77 2 yrs ago....not even shot 200 pellets through it

if I had 500 spare for a new Springer then I'd get a pro sport or second-hand theoban slr 98 or another sirrocco?

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