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Basset Hounds

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We were out again today, just over the Scottish border so we could take more than our normal two hounds so we took three! we did a vast expanse of gorse, which took us all morning, but although there was fresh sign everywhere we just couldn't raise a fox anywhere, i suspect they were underground, so we went back and had a sulk and some bait and then went and tried a biggish block of windblow which came up with the goods and 2 big dog foxes were shot, they weren't keen to show thereselves to the guns so there was a bit of nice music until they lost their bottle. We then moved to the other end of the estate to do another patch of gorse perhaps about 2 acres, eventually hounds spoke and a fox was afoot but he pipped us and was last seen disappearing over the hilltop. So back to the keepers and we were treated to some scrumptious home made soup and an invitation to come back in a fortnights time.



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sounds like you had an enjoyable day, great pictures.

what is there recall like?


Hi Brockbart,

We try where possible to ensure the woods etc. are well covered with guns so that hopefully Hounds don't get away on us, but they are pig headed and don't take too much notice of anyone once they are past you. We all have a cheapie wireless so we can communicate with my son who hunts them to let him know if anything breaks cover and what it is etc. so he can hopefully get to them before they disappear into the sunset

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