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Britain Exit, Or Whatever...

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You seem to forget the EU wants us IN, that is simply because they want more from us than we want from them.   The EU also makes life difficult to trade with the outside world NOW when we are in, it

I am a hard working English man. Look out for our own that's all I'll say.

Let me think about this for a second OUT We have never been part of Europe ,most of Europe hate us any way ,they only want us to stay in for MONEY and that's all This government has said nothing

There was none of this threat of this and that and blocks to trade and God knows what from Brussels in 1939!


We saved that lot from Hitler's NAZIS when every one of them was shitting themselves and surrendering like cowards. Now they want to threaten us and think they can scare us into doing what they want us to do?



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I like the fact the in campaigns can put exact figures on how much holidays will go up and house hold income will go down just two examples of the bollox.


Yet according to them exit is a step in the dark who knows what will happen .


I think it would be the best thing for us and for the eu if we get out might make the people who run it lift there heads out of the sands and make a few changes. It's a sinking ship and this is the only life boat so we should use it, let them sort themselves out.

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I will show how old I am by remembering that we were part of E.F.T.A. (European Free Trading Association) long before we joined the Common Market which gave us a trading relationship with other countries, we then joined the Common Market to increase our ability to trade further with other countries.


Let us just take a step back for a moment, the key word is TRADE and that is the only reason to be part of what then became the EU. We are now part of a faceless group who are telling this and all other countries what to do and what standards we have to keep. Germany is all powerful and I take my hat off to them for their work ethic and motivation and having worked with a number of German companies, it is true, they are grafters but does NOT mean to say that this nation of ours is not capable of doing the same without Brussels telling us whatever.


We contribute a vast amount of money to the EU which we do not get the same value in return. Why should the NHS be lost if we pull out, I think this is simply not true but a very good scare tactic to get people to vote 'in'. We have to understand that 'out' could have some effect in short term for some large and small companies but the longer term will be that trading will continue because there was a reason to trade with that company/market in the first place.


I do NOT believe that we will get all the facts on this matter because they are very involved and their involvement can vary with different situations both commercial and domestic so we all have to make a choice depending on how we see the situation affecting each person or perhaps seeing some of the bigger picture.


I believed that we should stay in for the strength of the EU but as times passes, my opinion is changing towards voting out mainly because 'OUR' decision making process should be decided here in this country on matters that relate to this country. I really hope there will be a full blown TV debate to hear the benefits of both sides of the argument although I will need some strong argument to change my mind back to 'in'.



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  On 24/05/2016 at 15:53, villaman said:

Let me think about this for a second :hmm: OUT

We have never been part of Europe ,most of Europe hate us any way ,they only want us to stay in for MONEY and that's all

This government has said nothing which would change my mind all they have come out is scare mongery for most of the working people of this country like


Holidays will go up in price Bollox


House prices will fall Bollox


food prices will go up Bollox


employment will rise Bollox


Interest rates will go up Bollox




Get the picture ,you can't believe a word what they say and that has come from me who has voted Tory all of my voting life

Let's get the fcuk out and take our borders back ,make our own rules , sell and buy from every country in the world INCLUDING EUROPE

After we come out then get Scotland to have a vote again and kick them out of OUR parliament

If we stay in we will be totally fcuked ,we will have less of a say, Sturgeon will have more of say, the welch will have more of a say , Europe will have more of a say



i could not agree more vm and that again is from a tory "no an ex life long tory !!!! " voter

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  On 24/05/2016 at 20:58, Coypu Hunter said:



In the near future, after you've voted the UK out, and you're pushing your three-wheeled supermarket trolley across the desolate landscape of what was the UK, but is now divided into Greater China and the Greater Islamic State, dodging the giant mutant rats that feed on the rotting flesh of the unburied corpses in the street, don't say I didn't warn you... :laugh:


Giant rats you say?! I think I may need to upgrade my sub-12ft-lb then :laugh: FAC here i come :whistling:

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  On 29/05/2016 at 15:07, muttley94 said:


  On 24/05/2016 at 20:58, Coypu Hunter said:



In the near future, after you've voted the UK out, and you're pushing your three-wheeled supermarket trolley across the desolate landscape of what was the UK, but is now divided into Greater China and the Greater Islamic State, dodging the giant mutant rats that feed on the rotting flesh of the unburied corpses in the street, don't say I didn't warn you... :laugh:


Giant rats you say?! I think I may need to upgrade my sub-12ft-lb then :laugh: FAC here i come :whistling:



Yeah. Air rifles all round. Giant rats are all we'll have to eat after we've paid our medical bills once the NHS is abolished if we stay in.


Plus do you really think we're not going to be an Islamic State if we stay in with uncontrolled borders?


If the Unite Union who are pro Labour and Pro Remain publish a warning that TTIP likely will result in privatisation of the NHS and their legal opinion says it's probably irreversible, then you know it's not propaganda......

Edited by Alsone
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  On 29/05/2016 at 16:44, Coypu Hunter said:


  On 29/05/2016 at 15:16, tatsblisters said:

All this rubbish about slipping into recession if we leave all the reccesions I can recall have happened wile in the E.U.


You must be a bit too young to recall the Great Crash of 1929... :laugh:


the central banks are private companies . they lend us coloured paper with pictures and numbers on . we owe this paper back to them plus interest which we can never find . ( its illegal to print money ) so we slowly give our country and infrastructure over to the banks as interest payments . in england this has been happening since the foundation of the BANK OF ENGLAND in america since the foundation of the FEDERAL RESURVE . most countries have one of these banks in control of there government if they dont they find themselves at WAR until they do . all crashes big and small are controlled by the people who own the central banks . the EU is just THEATRE for the sheep.

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