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Britain Exit, Or Whatever...

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So. The other half has just asked me whether I'm in or out... Yep, before you say it, the jokes there for all to see.


But in all honesty, I have no idea what it means, all this politics bollocks. They talk in such a complicated language, it's hard for the common male or female, to understand, well it is for me anyway. There is so much "small print" about if that happens, this happens, if this happens, that's happens. On both sides.


So I said to her, I'll ask you lot. I'm most defiantly in... :D anyway.


What's the beef... And. Are, indeed, we in or out?


And to keep it on topic (admins ;)) "how does this effect airguns?"


(V'man, not sure what you'll say here, I think you'll say out but have no idea why, as I don't know what it's all about.)

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You seem to forget the EU wants us IN, that is simply because they want more from us than we want from them.   The EU also makes life difficult to trade with the outside world NOW when we are in, it

I am a hard working English man. Look out for our own that's all I'll say.

Let me think about this for a second OUT We have never been part of Europe ,most of Europe hate us any way ,they only want us to stay in for MONEY and that's all This government has said nothing

(V'man, not sure what you'll say here, I think you'll say out but have no idea why, as I don't know what it's all about.)

Freedom and democracy within our Parliamentary Dictatorship. In = Vested interests Out = Vested interests. Every one has to make up their own minds. I for one was part of the Common Market, But Slowly, Slowly Became part of The European Union without my Vote. If The Soviet Union to most in The West was not a good idea, Then why is Soviet Union 2 for Big Businesses? If anyone thinks that those in The European Union will stop trading with the UK if we are out, to my mind must be Living in and on Cloud Cuckoo Land. "Money Talks Bullshiiit Walks"





Germany will not stop selling their Air Rifles or anything else to us in the UK, nor will all the other German Dominated States in The European Union, if anything goods should be cheaper, unless they want big Tariffs on goods imported into the UK.

Edited by just-A-snap
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I would like our own laws decided on our own land by our own countrymen that we've elected, not a bunch of Germans who'd like to flood our shores with even more immigrants, make us pay for the privilege to be part of their gang that tells us what to do. Bollocks to em

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Stay in and potentially lose the NHS.


After the referendum, the EU intends to enter into the TTIP Trade Agreement with the USA. Under the Agreement, USA businesses reported to be given the right to sue EU Governments for any State owned service that competes with the private sector and thus distorts the market.


The claim is reportedly backed by 4 former Government Health Ministers including Sir David Owen (ex SDP Leader and previously Health Minister), and had the Unite Union so worried they commission a legal opinion from a leading QC:

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i was towards out ,but the big game changer for me is we will need to trade with Europe and if we re negotiate it will be on there terms and a far worse deal!Im in!



You seem to forget the EU wants us IN, that is simply because they want more from us than we want from them.


The EU also makes life difficult to trade with the outside world NOW when we are in, it will be a lot easier when we are out.


They stifle International trade and will certainly not want to upset us as they want OUR goods and services!


Don't let the scare mongers influence you.


Remember we stood alone some years ago when Europe was ravaged and did it all ourselves and saved Europe (ok we had a bit of help). We are the second highest contributor to the EU, and we have more goods and services that THEY want from us than we want from them, of course they want us in, and we can negotiate on OUR terms when we leave!



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out for me .we might not get another chance to try going it on our own again,before getting sucked even further into the EU mess .I am sure they would come begging for us to re join it we give them so much money. put it another way if we were not in it now would anyone honestly vote to join it.At the moment it seams like it's the fourth riech without all the nasty fighting but that's still to come.France economy on its knees Italy and Greece should be chucked out and we are all paying too keep corrupted regimes going watch the Brussels business on you tube .vote in if you want to be dragged down to some sort of average out to get this country doing is own thing again. history shows we are pretty good at that sort of thing.

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out for me .we might not get another chance to try going it on our own again,before getting sucked even further into the EU mess .I am sure they would come begging for us to re join it we give them so much money. put it another way if we were not in it now would anyone honestly vote to join it.At the moment it seams like it's the fourth riech without all the nasty fighting but that's still to come.France economy on its knees Italy and Greece should be chucked out and we are all paying too keep corrupted regimes going watch the Brussels business on you tube .vote in if you want to be dragged down to some sort of average out to get this country doing is own thing again. history shows we are pretty good at that sort of thing.



To be fair I'd not thought about it that way, spot on.


No, of course not!


So why on earth are people thinking of staying?

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why is it we are second highest contributor but get one 28th of a say in anything and Germany makes all the rules anyway.

Hitler is probably laughing it up down in Argentina on some life support thinking why didn't I just do that .

Winston Churchill is probably spinning like a very Spinny thing in his grave saying wtf doesn't anyone remember what we were fighting for.

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