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My lurcher cut his pad last week and the vets have knobbed me right up the *** with bills for a bit of glue and check ups any where you can buy tissue glue ect? Got to bath it with salt water now anyone have a clue how long it would take to heal as I ain't going back to the vets for another £20 check up?

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My lurcher cut his pad last week and the vets have knobbed me right up the *** with bills for a bit of glue and check ups any where you can buy tissue glue ect? Got to bath it with salt water now anyone have a clue how long it would take to heal as I ain't going back to the vets for another £20 check up

ive got a post up now, same thing .My dog Buck cut his back left foot (pad) i am leaving him alone, let him heal it him self (licking, plus 3 times a day salt water). i reckon doing the the above plus rest apart from going for a piss/shit, it will take about 3 weeks to heal :yes:

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They can be a right pain in the arse, I have found super glue does the job after a good clean with salt water, some dogs heal quicker than others though so don't rush it or else it'll keep splitting, I didn't even walk mine for a week or 2 just to make sure it was healed just took him to the garden for him to piss and shit on the lead, it might be me being over cautious but you can't guarantee they arent going to stand on something that might cause it to split back open especially at the early stages when it's knitting together

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