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Crocky Hall - A Hunting Heritage

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2 minutes from my front door, I enjoy the sporting paintings in the art gallery's too. It's worth noting for anyone planning a trip the house is not always accessible they don't always allow people in so I'd check before making the trip.

In regards to treasures hidden up and down the country I once worked in a pub in knutsford that's closed down and that had all sorts of books and paintings just sitting there going to waste. Same in a small Manor House near edge hill university, real shame.

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I worked there a couple of years ago putting up new cast iron gutters... what a flashback seeing the places on the boundary walls we used to climb over as kids with the terriers and mongrel lurchers...and you're right bosun the kennels housed a small pack of hounds, coursing greyhounds and in later years gundogs.... it's one of those places I'd love to visit in a time machine :-)

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Took the family to woolaton hall last week in nottingham. Owned by the council and free to get in its now a natural history museum and it's fantastic.

Loads of taxidermy from the smallest bird to lions giraffe and gorilla. Rooms of semi precious rocks, insects ect all set in a gothic hall.

Well worth a day trip with a picnic !

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Hancock Museum in Newcastle also a good do and free. Hancock was a hell of a taxidermist and some of his work still on show. The Gyr falcon always sticks in my mind from being a kid. There is even Chillingham cattle in there. atb.

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I think them Chillingham cattle are also in Crocky Redquil, sure i read thats what they were, mother and calf. The farm is a rare breeds centre. If you do visit the farm, check out the meercats that constantly escape from their enclosure on the scrounge for grub and constantly get 'shoo'd' back in, which they do almost with a smile!

Oh yer, feeding time is 4pm daily and the noise from the goats, sheep and pigs, coupled with chickens & meercats running everywhere is a sight to behold... Like i said, bloody good fun! ;)

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