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Some Questions Re Fac App And Thermal

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Hi all,


so I've finally convinced myself that I should apply for my FAC. I've been a holder of a SGC for about a year now and after recently purchasing a Pulsar XD38s I've come to the conclusion I'm not really getting the best out of it. Currently I'm using the XD for spotting at night, and one of the shotguns I own is an old Baikal hushpower 20 bore, to which I've attached a 20mm rail at the front which has a T67 red torch on it which is activated by a rats tail when I shoulder the gun. I'll be honest, it's a bit of a faff spotting with the thermal then swapping over to the gun and trying to spot with the torch. With the torch on the front, and given the length with a moderator it's a bit like shouldering a howitzer.


The route I'd like to go down is, initially to apply for a FAC with just a .17HMR. Mainly because I think it will be a good first step and being a small calibre I'm hopeful my local constabulary will appreciate I'm mindful of working my way up to a larger calibre.


One question I do have though is regarding the thermal. I'd like to immediately equip the HMR with an Apex XD38 or 50, that way I can use the spotter and sight in unison. However, I have some concerns regarding the police's attitude to immediately equipping a rifle with a thermal imaging scope. Though it's fair to say, as far as the ability to spot anything that's giving off body heat, the thermal is peerless, but might the police have any concerns regarding it's use for a new applicant/holder? Should I even mention the thermal during the interview (however long that's going to take), or should I just say "Meh, going to slap a sidewinder (etc) onto it?" Has anyone perceived any uneasiness from visiting firearms officers regarding the use of thermal imaging sights?


Secondly, bit of a daft one but, I've currently got a 3 gun cabinet that's full, so I'm going to fit another cabinet with a separate ammo safe in the top. Just need a quick pointer on depth - i.e. can I actually fit a .17HMR with a thermal scope fitted without having to remove the scope? The cabinet I currently have won't take my PCP with a 50mm objective lens scope on it, so I'm wary of forking out for another cabinet and the bloomin gun won't fit!


Many thanks for any advice.

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Go for a deep rifle cabinet theres no need to keep removing scopes


What scope your using has nothing to do with the FLO and shouldn't even come up


Its great fun shooting rats with a thermal scope

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If you already have a thermal and your going down the HMR route get a photon put on it http://www.blackwoodoutdoors.co.uk/yukon-photon-xt-6.5x50-nightvision-scope or put a sidewinder on it and a digital add on at the rear.

Personally I would avoid the Apex 38/50 if you really want a thermal rifle scope get the XD75 the extra magnification helps with thermal, but its costly. You dont have to mention anything about what scope your fitting to the gun.


If your going to get more rifles, get a bigger cabinet, rifles with bipods/scopes etc on take up a lot of room, a 3 gun cabinet is not much use..

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Thanks for the replies chaps. Jacknife - 5 gun cabinet it is then. Thank you.


Glad to hear scopes etc don't have to be mentioned. Yes I was looking at a possible IR scope too Ian, I just wasn't convinced on how they stand up, mainly because (admittedly not very scientific) I see quite a lot being sold second hand, which always gives me the impression they don't fulfill expectations. I've been using the XD38 for a while now (bought it from you) and I've been more than happy with it, really fantastic piece of kit, so was hoping for a similar performance from the Apex. With the smaller Apex sights (38 and 50) is it a resolution issue because of the lower magnification?


It's that transition from thermal to torch that's been one of my bugbears. I lose count of the times I've spotted something with the thermal, switched over to the gun and "Where the hell did it go?", back to thermal (massive faff again putting the gun down), only to find it's moved a few yards and, unless there's eye-shine it can be a pain to reacquire. I'm concerned I might have similar issue going from thermal to IR. I think part of the problem is that thermal is just so good for spotting that it highlights deficiencies with other platforms. I was out last week on one of those cold nights we had, down by a river and you couldn't see 30 yards because of the mist. Thermal saw right through it, but the light wouldn't and just illuminated a big wall of mist.

Edited by stuartpengs
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You said it yourself.....


The route I'd like to go down is, initially to apply for a FAC with just a .17HMR. Mainly because I think it will be a good first step and being a small calibre I'm hopeful my local constabulary will appreciate I'm mindful of working my way up to a larger calibre


Get as big a cabinet as you can fit/afford, having ample room in it now makes access easier and gun damage less likely, it also gives you room for more guns as you expand!

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FI've had a look through the xd 75 a couple of times courtesy of another member and it's a Fantastic bit of kit.

Lately I've been spotting with the xd50s and have been experimenting with different nv scopes on top , including the photon, digisight lrf 870 and drone.

To be honest you will have no problem using the likes of a photon to shoot with after spotting with the thermal. Sometimes as you know your spot a rabbit with thermal but when you look through the digital nv it shows that the rabbit is actually covered by stringy branches, or its in the middle of the hedge and not where first thought when shown through the thermal.

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