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how to start with greyhounds

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im a lurcherman,...always have been always will be......


however im very much thinking about purchasing a greyhound, and maybe seeing how it goes on the track....now i dont know anything about greyhound racing, so i think i need to start at the beginning and look into the whole aspect of this side of the game before i decide about it...


but a quick question for the greyhound lads and lasses on here......do you need to take a dog to a trainer?....also if you can school your own, is it a case of taking it to a track, and having a go etc? (now i know it will be more in depth than that)


cheers valentino

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If you want to race at an NGRC registered track then you will either need a trainer or go through the hassle of getting a trainers licence , if you want to race on the independants (flaps) then you can train your own dog , as for schooling then the best bet is go to one of the schooling tracks or some flaps will let you have a trial, if it is a pup then just let it watch the other dogs have a go and when ypu judge that it is ready give it a handslip round a couple of bends and see if it chases ok , but there will normally be someone there who will put you right if you ask

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  valentino said:
cheers chaz....


i have just been told that you dont need to take the dog to a trainer now for ngrc....you can do it yourself?,...like they do in ireland?


is that correct...if that makes sense?...




You still have to take out a "GREYHOUND TRAINERS LICENCE" opposed to a "PROFFESIONAL TRAINERS LICENCE" you still have to abide by all the rules and have kennels up to NGRC spec the GT allows you to train upto 12 dogs but the hard part can come in getting runs for the dogs as most trainers have a contract to supply dogs to a particular track, for their graded races and the only races non-contract trainers can enter dogs in are the "OPEN " races and this can be expensive as the open class dogs are the top of the tree and can cost serious ££`s


Here are a couple of links that might give you some info





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