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had a steady walk out for a couple of hours today with the dogs. it was nice for my pup to get to know some of his future hunting buddies. they all got on well which is a good start to many a trip out

I reckon you're right there trigg...a bit of extra weight certainly won't harm Ben and Cruyff for what you lads want them for   I took a couple of pics this afternoon of Brego  

The young dog found a tiny dead rabbit the other day billhardy and I managed a few nice retrieves off him mate       He started jumping really well now mate    

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Just measured mine and he was 18 inches as well mate

bloody hell hes done some growing to catch up recently then mate. is he still lighter framed than ben a cryuff do you reckon. ben weighs a fecking ton. had a chap say he looked fat yesterday but i think hes just very well covered.

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Trigg I believe there won't be a lot in em these males,but I keep cryuff well covered 2 good meals a day I give him now ,predominately raw ,plus lots a bits this and that .when they're out and about they got something to draw on when burning the calories.i like a well made pup with plenty on it brego had a growth spert and catching up alls good and that ta me says it all good luck fellas postie please leave a few fa me lol.atb bunnys.

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brego caught up postie he a dark horse coming off the back so ta speak,put cryuff on 2 a day now he on 2pound a flesh a day and other bits and bobs.he can get more on board now got a bit a size brekkie this morning pound a tripe.chicken for supper .that will be him now 2 good meals a day kibble I use has training treats .atb bunnys

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I weighed Brego this morning, he was 25 lb trigg...I've just dropped him down to 3 meals a day bunnys

i havent weighed ben since he was 10 and half weeks old but i reckon brego has caught him right up. i will get him weighed later this week when i go to fecth some more flea treatment for him

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Don't know what's happened there trigg!!!


bloody hell hes done some growing to catch up recently then mate. is he still lighter framed than ben a cryuff do you reckon. ben weighs a fecking ton. had a chap say he looked fat yesterday but i think hes just very well covered.


I'd say Brego looks very similar to Cruyff at the moment mate...he looks well but I also prefer a pup to look 'very well covered' at this age.

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I weighed Brego this morning, he was 25 lb trigg...I've just dropped him down to 3 meals a day bunnys

he is just that touch lighter than Ben mate. thats how he will stay in reckon just weighed ben and hes 32 pound i doubt he would have been much lighter 3 days ago when you weighed Brego. i think he will keep his 6lb or so weight advantage even when they have finished growing.

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I weighed Brego this morning, he was 25 lb trigg...I've just dropped him down to 3 meals a day bunnys

he is just that touch lighter than Ben mate. thats how he will stay in reckon just weighed ben and hes 32 pound i doubt he would have been much lighter 3 days ago when you weighed Brego. i think he will keep his 6lb or so weight advantage even when they have finished growing.

32lb. Jesus Christ. My adult lurcher is only 40lb ?

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I weighed Brego this morning, he was 25 lb trigg...I've just dropped him down to 3 meals a day bunnys

he is just that touch lighter than Ben mate. thats how he will stay in reckon just weighed ben and hes 32 pound i doubt he would have been much lighter 3 days ago when you weighed Brego. i think he will keep his 6lb or so weight advantage even when they have finished growing.

32lb. Jesus Christ. My adult lurcher is only 40lb

. Lol good old fashioned types ,laughing me socks off ,my thoughts or should I say know winter time will be a breeze for em ,plus lots to be working with . Had a visit today up victors Rainey growing well she about 25thats just feeling heron scales,cryuff well he won't be far from Ben last jab to moz,he going rangy with a nut like a good old hound lol he a fecking character like a snapping turtle poor old Jaz just getting used ta the pain lol atb bunnys
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I weighed Brego this morning, he was 25 lb trigg...I've just dropped him down to 3 meals a day bunnys


he is just that touch lighter than Ben mate. thats how he will stay in reckon just weighed ben and hes 32 pound i doubt he would have been much lighter 3 days ago when you weighed Brego. i think he will keep his 6lb or so weight advantage even when they have finished growing.
. These males seem to be going has they were in ta nest trigg that couple pounds here and there.,victor bitch a nice type very long .atb bunnys.
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I weighed Brego this morning, he was 25 lb trigg...I've just dropped him down to 3 meals a day bunnys

he is just that touch lighter than Ben mate. thats how he will stay in reckon just weighed ben and hes 32 pound i doubt he would have been much lighter 3 days ago when you weighed Brego. i think he will keep his 6lb or so weight advantage even when they have finished growing.
. These males seem to be going has they were in ta nest trigg that couple pounds here and there.,victor bitch a nice type very long .atb bunnys.


i could have easily brought that bitch when i first clapped eyes on the litter and i prefer dogs as a rule. it looks like the dogs will all finish of some where near in height as you say with how brego has caught up.

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