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Just A Thought

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Not look8ng for an argument but do you jab the dog after every dig surely that isn't very good I thought antibiotics were to get rid of infection not a preventative treatment

Lee if you read my post again i did say inject if needed.A fox can give a very nasty bite and a very dirty bite which becomes infected quite quickly so if i or we have a terrier that has had a rough time then we will jab it up and clean as good as we can until we get back home,i will also give them a pain killer as i reckon it helps big time and they will eat there grub when you get them back home instead of lying up feeling sorry for themselves,i like to see a terrier eat and drink after a hard dig.

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Keeping ourselves ignorant doesn't help the dogs. There's plenty info. freely available that we don't need to rely on rumour or old habits.   Not as entertaining as reading THL but it's worth a look

Antibiotics don't work on the dog, they don't become less affective the more times a dog has them. They've no real relationship with the dog.   Antibiotics interact with bacteria only.   And it's

Exactly, no one's advocating using antibiotics willy nilly, with experience and with the correct vet behind you you'll know when and where to use it. I'm very lucky to have an understanding vet who

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Doesn't antibiotic have to be kept at a correct temperature and also against the law to administer unless you are a vet ??

It does not have to be in a liquid form you can use a antibiotic in tablet form which can be obtained from a vet......next question,lol.

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I carry a squirty bottle-50% tcp-50% water to clean the dogs before I take them home-masks any smells on the dogs too.;)-always have a few of the eye washes you get in first aid kits for cleaning the eyes,these chocolate dogs seem to suffer more than the blacks imo.atb dc

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Doesn't antibiotic have to be kept at a correct temperature and also against the law to administer unless you are a vet ??


It does not have to be in a liquid form you can use a antibiotic in tablet form which can be obtained from a vet......next question,lol.



LOL you must have a sick dog to take to the vet in the first place to obtain said antibiotics. The vet I use said she likes a terrier to be a terrier she is a shooting woman who understands the need for pest control

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Prevention is better than a cure, be aware, injecting a dog is something the RSPCA will jump on you from a great height for.

antibiotics shouldnt be a preventative measure. Your statement is the reason one day theyll be useless.
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Rob284 When i take my terriers to my vet the FIRST thing he does is jab them with penicillin, my vet lives in the area I do a lot of digging in so I call into his house if he's in and get my dogs seen to there and then.

By your reckoning should I wait until my terriers are stinking rotten before i use antibiotics ? Don't be under any illusions terriers that play rough in filth will get infections regardless of your cleaning. If it's a case of a few bumps and knocks they'll be fine but when they need it why wait.

Edited by dillydog
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Could not agree more treating a dog to regular is never a good idea you can bet when the dog does get a bad infection they will not be has good, my understanding if you are treating a dog your self they must be from your vet and he has given you training in their use and cannot be used on mates dogs legaly

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Its not a question of money. Its a question of responsibility. If the dog needs antibiotics, it would be ill treatment not to seek them. But to use as a preventative measure sounds like irresponsible use of them only making your dog less responsive when it does actually need them.

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