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Well i took one of my sons mates to the range to buy a hw97k off daz39 (a good friend of mine off here) its fitted with a full v,mach kit and has been polished and tune,d


Lee my sons friend (and work college) did the deal so on the way back i say,d do you want to go for a shoot tonight we will see if there are any crows about .


so the time was set and off we went got to the farm about 7ish after setting the zero on both rifles his 97s 177 and the hw100 hunter carbine 177 we jumped back in the tank and drove the first field not 20 feet had we moved when lee(a x soldier ) spotted a rabbit sunning its self on a log so he took aim and it was in the bag .


We went round the field and only saw one other at the bottom but it ran for cover on the way up the other side we came across a nice size one that ran then stopped to see what we were up to it soon found out as Lee sent another one on its way and it was in the bag to .


At the top of the field we topped a good few yards away from a sitty tree where there was about ten crows sitting and Lee dropped about 4 or 5 of them .


Then we went and parked the tank up and went to the woods for some more in total we got about 25 to 30 more crows some we were able to photograph and some were stuck up the trees


We then went for a wander around the fields i got a nice size rabbit at 40 yrds sitting with its back to me so put the pellet in the back of its head and it just lay down another in the bag.


We headed back to the tank for a bite to eat and a drink then headed back to the woods for another go at the crows but the light was fading fast so we split Lee one way and i the other we dropped some more but the light was nearly gone now so headed off back around the fields .


Where i lit up a rabbit at 50ryds i told Lee to go for it as i had the lamp fitted to my rifle and he did not have one yet so i kept the lamp on it and lee took aim and it went to sleep to


so another in the bag this lad can shoot mind lads and with a springer to he has not been shooting for 15yrs and all i had to say to him was control your breathing and remember your training in then army when shooting and it all fell into place for him he pulled off some cracking shots to night.


On the way back to the tank i came across three rabbits so over the fence and i went prone 40 yrds off and two shots later two were in the bag to


so 6 rabbits and 40ish crows


im back in the game vm im back in the game


atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:











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  On 15/05/2016 at 00:11, mattwhite said:

Top class Jimmy, that's a proper bag pal.

And that's a proper cleaver too!

Had a cracking night Matt


and that cleaver is mint for taking the legs off lol


we will have a new member joining soon as Lee is going to join the forum tomorrow


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  On 15/05/2016 at 07:02, mark williams said:

Excellent shooting lads :good:


Compliments to you both.



The 50yrd shot was standing unsupported and it was lights out


like i say,d this lad can shoot :yes:


and both the rifles were in your fav cal 177


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  On 15/05/2016 at 08:16, bigmac 97kt said:


  On 15/05/2016 at 07:02, mark williams said:


Excellent shooting lads :good:


Compliments to you both.




The 50yrd shot was standing unsupported and it was lights out


like i say,d this lad can shoot :yes:


and both the rifles were in your fav cal 177


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

That's an amazing shot mate.

I will hold my hands up and say I'm crap at standing shots even at 25 yards I'm looking for a fence post etc, always have been even with lighter rifles so hats off to him pal.?

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