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Hello From Cambridge Area

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maybe I should add .I started off with a stoeger x20s that I have fitted a drop in kit done the c trigger mod .then a 900x that is not a bad little rifle after a lube job.

I then couldn't decide between a 99 or hatsan 55 as my first .177 for hft ,got the 99 fitted a tbt kit the first week I had it then a as new 55 turned up so I got that too the previous owner tuned it for me and is amazingly accurate. then I got a 36 year old hw80 .22 in need of some love was doing 18fp soon sorted that out its now short stroked been home tuned and had a massive silencer put on this will be main hunting gun. I then got a tx200 and 97kt in the same week as couldn't make my mind up what to get still getting to grip s with these two.

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thanks for the welcomes my plan at the moment is to get as good as I can then try to get some sort of permission or find someone who could show me the ropes .I have never shot anything live other than those massive yellowy orange slugs .not much of a challenge but very satisfying if you grow anything.

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