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Designer Dogs

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As the advert says but to me and a lot more people "cross breeds" and some years back also known as "mongrels" plus back then the pups would have been virtually given away by some people,its the price of the pups and the main heading of the advert that gets me and not the actual "breeding" they may turn out decent pups,"but"? http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/114838279/designer-sweeten-pups-for-sale.html?link=%2Fsearch%3Fkeyword%3Dsalukis

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I bloody hate these people who breed for looks without any thought as to the animal's genetic heritage. It's not fair on the dogs and certainly not fair on the poor unsuspecting idiots who buy them and expect a cute robot pet. Terrier AND Saluki? In one dog, as a pet? Fair enough if the buyers have experience of both, but I foresee tears and yet more dogs dumped or handed in to rescues when they can't cope with the prey drive and desire to chase 'things'.

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Just rereading that advert it says both parents hypoallergenic :blink:


Someone forgot to tell my gimp that as his hair makes a daily carpet on my tiled floor :laugh:


Should be a law against fucktards like these, using adverts full of bullshit to sell what imo is a litter of culls to unsuspecting family's wanting a calm pet.


Then again said moronic familys should do some feckin homework... bollocks to it rant over :laugh: in a bad mood coz I'm working at home during my week off ?

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Cross breds to me are two breeds mixed any more are classed as what? The references to designer dogs and the likes can be applied to all cross breeds as they are bred for a particular purpose or trait. The biggest problem with multi faceted genetics you never know what they are going to throw to, seen salukixgreyxwhippet ranging in size from 20 tts to 26 so bit of pot luck

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I bloody hate these people who breed for looks without any thought as to the animal's genetic heritage. It's not fair on the dogs and certainly not fair on the poor unsuspecting idiots who buy them and expect a cute robot pet. Terrier AND Saluki? In one dog, as a pet? Fair enough if the buyers have experience of both, but I foresee tears and yet more dogs dumped or handed in to rescues when they can't cope with the prey drive and desire to chase 'things'.

true in this case penny, but being honest ive seen some real nice x types by me = cockex/poodle and lab x poodle , this 2 xs have nice temps shed little hair, and make good pets, its only bloody price £ 6-800 quid i think is a rip off for a x breed. if i wanted a pet dog, i get one from the pound , old and young dogs need a chance in life and you only pay £ 60 quid, my son got a little woody jack x lol :thumbs:

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