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I think ours has had it. It just stopped while I was using it today and the body of it felt quite hot. I left it a few minutes in case it had some sort of thermal cutout but it still won't work. When you pull the trigger, sometimes there is a hum from the unit and sometimes there isn't but the pump doesn't run at all. (or is it the motor that runs the pump?) :hmm:


Before I bin it, is there anything obvious I could or should check?


And if I have to bite the bullet and buy a new one is it best to stick to a well known brand like Karcher?

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Is it a Honda engine all mine have a cut out if the oil in the engine runs low


and it is the engine that runs the pump check that there is oil in the pump to there should be a window on the side of the pump with a red dot in the middle the oil should be up to the dot but not past it .


your engine will still have oil in ,,,,,but it may be low ,,,still .


mind that is for petrol engine ones


and karcher are shit get a Honda but will cost a few bob mind


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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