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Country File And Another Anti Hunting Topic .....

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That's pwobably been pushed onto the agenda by cwis packham. Malta has a strict policy of what to shoot and when. If there are some that shoot harriers, cuckoos etc, then they need shooting themselves. At least they allowed the shooters to respond

Edited by cragman
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Whinging about the legal shooting of purple doves in Malta ... Bunch of fukcing pricks ......

The majority of the maltese shooters shoot indiscriminately and are responsible for the slaughter of numerous protected bird species,this as been an ongoing problem for decades now and every time new legislature is brought into force,against the Maltese government,the shooters once again ignore it and bang away regardless of the wanton destruction they reap upon the said protected targets.Its a sad reflection on the BBC that its taken them decades to wake up to another of their scoops.Until the Maltese shooters learn to identify their target species they should lose all rights to shoot,if it happened in this country there would be a blanket ban on shooting.

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what they shoot or hunt or fish out there has got nothing to do with us.if thats there way,thats there way.it's will be like another country trying to tell us how to live our lives.good luck to them.

don't think you know what migration means matey.

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what they shoot or hunt or fish out there has got nothing to do with us.if thats there way,thats there way.it's will be like another country trying to tell us how to live our lives.good luck to them.

The European Union and an host of countries throughout the world ALL sign up to legislation that protects the most vulnerable of animal species,including avian,Cites is just one of them,its about protection of our diminishing wildlife,"nothing to do with us" is the main reason for the decline,because of human intervention,in the said species and this neanderthal outlook on life is the same idyll that the nuggets,with shotguns,in malta adhere to,well done and enjoy your next holiday in Malta.

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what they shoot or hunt or fish out there has got nothing to do with us.if thats there way,thats there way.it's will be like another country trying to tell us how to live our lives.good luck to them.

pleb!Typical ginga ,life time of bullying has left you fu*#ked up!

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They claim it is their right to shoot them and that shooting is closely monitored. With that right come responsibility. If the refuse to be responsible, they should loose that right.

They have every right to shoot and no man or Government should ever be allowed to take that away from them,although the twats over here strive to take away our hunting rights using the same legislation,Its hunting in a responsible manner,that the Maltesers refuse to do and we were never offered the option.Id take their shooting rights off them,until they shoot accordingly,id give us our rights back,especially as the majority of us never caused a ripple in the big pond.

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what they shoot or hunt or fish out there has got nothing to do with us.if thats there way,thats there way.it's will be like another country trying to tell us how to live our lives.good luck to them.

The European Union and an host of countries throughout the world ALL sign up to legislation that protects the most vulnerable of animal species,including avian,Cites is just one of them,its about protection of our diminishing wildlife,"nothing to do with us" is the main reason for the decline,because of human intervention,in the said species and this neanderthal outlook on life is the same idyll that the nuggets,with shotguns,in malta adhere to,well done and enjoy your next holiday in Malta.


i don't know all the facts and i won't be treating the figures and stats from governments and animal charities with the respect you seem to.i expect the decline in some species is more to do with loss of habitat and food than a few maltese men with shotguns.

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what they shoot or hunt or fish out there has got nothing to do with us.if thats there way,thats there way.it's will be like another country trying to tell us how to live our lives.good luck to them.

pleb!Typical ginga ,life time of bullying has left you fu*#ked up!


thats intelligent you pleb.

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I could never support any agenda by the beeb or that wasted period packham, for once they have your votes to ban it in Malta then they stick the knife in your back and turn it around on you shooters, perhaps we put a bounty up on his head next time he goes to Malta, see how accurate they shoot?? Just an idea

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